Chapter 6

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A/N: So hi guys~! IceStars here so for all who haven't read my status I'm just gonna inform you that our school's gonna start on June 6 which  is Thursday of this week, I might update every 2 weeks or so. So please do cooperate with me, that is all. ENJOY~! ^_^

Chapter 6 

~Lucy's P.O.V. 

2nd day of classes! Tomorrow's going to be our date. 

I haven't told Levy yet about this, she's going to kill me if she finds out. I'll just tell her later. I should get ready for school. 

*Takes a bath, Gets dressed, Eats breakfast, Brushes teeth, DONE~!* 

I said my good bye to the maids and went off to school. 

When I got to school I saw Levy-Chan waiting for me at the gate. 

"Lu-Chan~!" She said while walking towards me. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" She said while pouting. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I got a date tomorrow." I said that while looking down. 


"Shhhh! Keep it down will you." I cut Levy off by covering her mouth with my hand. 

"I thought you already knew that's why I said that" I continued. 

"No, I was going to say that why didn't you tell me you already knew golden-haired boy's name." 

"What? Where did you get that?" I said confused. 

"Lisanna told me" She said. 

"Okay look I got a date with Hibiki tomorrow." I said to her. 

"Ohhhh~ Lucy's getting mature now!" She teased. 

"Ugh, you know what let's just go to class. Its 7:38, we might get late." I said looking at my wristwatch. 

"Okay let's go" Levy said while rolling her eyes. 


When we entered our room, the class was louder than ever I saw Gray & Natsu fighting while Juvia watching Gray carefully, Loke and Hibiki flirting with others, confirmed Hibiki. Is. A. Flirt! As well as Loke. I guess this is Fairy Tail Academy class 1-A for the whole school year. 

Classes passed by pretty quickly and it was finally lunch time, after all those studying I finally got a break! 

"Lucy, Levy, over here!" Lisanna waved to us. Lisanna was sitting with Juvia and Cana at a table in the corner of the cafeteria. 

"Hi!" I greeted them. Since I haven't talked to Cana and Juvia yet. 

"Hey!" Cana greeted me back. 

"So you three know each other already?" Levy asked. 

"Me and Cana already know each other since we both came to Fairy Elementary School. We just invited Juvia over because she's alone" Lisanna said with a smile. 

"So Juvia from what school are you from?" I asked her. 

"Juvia is from Phantom Elementary..." She said shyly. Well I know that Juvia's shy because she doesn't know us yet and she's all alone and new. 

"Don't be shy Juvia! From now on we're going to be friends." Cana announced while smiling widely with thumbs up. 

"So don't be shy." Lisanna said to her. 

"T-th-thank you, Juvia feels better now" Juvia said as she smiled a little. 

Lunch time passed by and was back to class. When it was time for our last subject someone knocked on the door. Happy-sensei, yes it was cooking class, opened the door Gildarts-sensei entered and whispered something to Happy-sensei and after that Gildarts-sensei walked out. 

"Ok class, after class please stay here for a moment and wait for you homeroom teacher to announce an important announcement~!" Happy-sensei announced. 

I looked at our classmates faces and it seemed that everybody was curious what the important announcement is. 

Time flew pretty quickly and it was time for the announcement. 

It was already 15 minutes since class dismissal and everybody got up from their seats to go home. When suddenly the door swung open, Gildarts-sensei entered followed by 3 children. A girl with long dark blue hair, a boy with dark purple hair, and another girl with pink hair. 

"Class these 3 students here will be your classmates. These 3 are accelerated; which means they're advanced. They're supposed to be 5th graders in Fairy Elementary school. They undergone some test and it resulted that they can be in 1st year high-school, so be kind to them because your 2 years older than them okay?" Gildarts announced. 

Wow! They must be really smart for being a high-schooler already. 

"Now please introduce your-self" Gildarts said as he looked at the 3. 

The girl with the pink hair went 1st. 

"Hi I'm Chelia Blendy!" She said smiling widely. 

Next was the only thorn among the roses. 

"My name is Romeo Conbolt" He said while his hands where in the back of his head. 

"I'm Wendy Marvell, pleased to meet you" she said as she smiled sweetly. 

"Now your seats will be over there" Gildarts said as he pointed to the row in front of us. So that's Natsu was the only one sitting in front of Hibiki and the rest are vacant.  

"Since we won't be expecting more transferee's, there's another announcement. By the last week of this month will be time for our Classroom election, so you'll have plenty of time to think. That's all class really dismissed." Gildarts-sensei said 

Class election huh, I might run vice-president for a start.

FTA Note:

IceStars: So what do you think? You didn't expected new transferee's huh?

Lucy: Yup,  I didn't expected  that!

Gray: Yeah I didn't *says it in  a sarcastic tone*

IceStars: Wahhh! Meanie. *pouts*

Gray: Whatever *rolls eyes*

IceStars: IceStars-chop!

Gray:  Ow! It hurts.

Lucy: Hahaha! Suits you.

IceStars: Yup, I also like Soul Eater besides Fairy Tail and other stuff. Now Lucy, Gray, please do end this Author's Note!

Gray & Lucy: Please do review and vote~! (-_-) (^_^)


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