Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry for not updating for months now so here's Chapter 7. Please do forgive me for wrong grammar and punctuation. English is just my 2nd language. Sorry, it's quite short.


Lucy's P.O.V.

I was about to leave the classroom when suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. It was Hibiki! I wonder what he wants.

"Hi Lucy! it's about our date tomorrow errr I mean "hang-out" well due to some curcumstances... I can't go tomorrow" He said looking at the floor.

Well that's a bummer. I was really looking forward to it.

"No it's okay, I understand." I said smiling trying to hide my frustration.

"Well to make it up to you. The hang-out still isn't ancelled." Hibiki said smiling to me.

That cheered me up... a little.

"Oh okay then. Same meeting place and time?" I asked him.

"Yup, but instead of me seeing you it will be Gray." He said.

"Gray? Like the raven-haired boy?" I asked confirming stuff.

"Yup. So have fun tomorrow I gotta go now. Bye." With that he waved good bye and left.

Aww it's too bad he couldn't come, but at least I could make new friends with this.

~Gray's P.O.V. of that same day.

Oh well time to go home. I was about to go use the 1st door but it seems like Hibiki is explaining something to Lucy. of all places they could talk... why does it have to be in the way of the door?! Sigh I guess I have to go way to the back for the 2nd door.

By the time I reached it, it was locked. Great just great. Now I have to wait for those two to stop talking. I sat back on my chair and waited for them to finish.

And finally they're done! I stood up and ran after Hibiki. That flirt I'm gonna get him for making me wait that long!

Just a few more steps! Then suddenly a familiar voice of a flame-brain person called my name and made me stop on my tracks and almost stumbled to the exit.

"What the heck is your problem flame-brain?!?" I angerly said to him

"Well then popsicle why is your tie of?!? Stripper!" Natsu said to me

"Wha-!! When did that happen?!" Seriously when?

"Hehe! Some old habit of you ice-brain."

Well Nastu here is actually my childhood friend since... I don't know? Grade 1? Prep? I t doesn't matter.

Natsu threw my tie to me and I wore it.

Now back to Hibiki.

"Hey you! Hibiki!" I yelled at him

"Oh Gray! Good timing, I already talked to Lucy about tomorrow." He replied

"Yeah I know. That's why I need to punch you for blocking the way and making me wait for a long time!"

"Chill down dude, I told her you'll be meeting her at the park instead of me, and I told her it's a hang-out not a date so you can bring Natsu and Loke with you feel free to invite. I already told them that they could invite someone so bye!" He left me there trying to process everything he said.

"Yo flame-brain! You heard him right?" I asked Nastu.

"Yeah so see you tomorrow then!"

I said to him.

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