Hey Guys!

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Hey guys, it's Britt!
I can hardly believe how many reads Voldemort's Daughter has. First off, thank you guys so much. Second, I want to let you guys know, that I am going to try and start back writing. I don't think Second Chances (my other HP fanfic) will ever be finished. (I'm not saying it won't, I'm just having a hard time continuing it.) But I do have three new stories that I've put together and have been working on. The first has, believe it or not, already lost my interest. The second and third, however have potential - the third more than the second, honestly. The second is a little bit questionable, so I don't think it will be very good if I continue working on it. Oops. So we are down to the third. The third is, in my opinion, hella rad. It is supernatural-ish and called Timeless. I'm actually really excited for it! The description is up and I am currently working on my prologue. Hopefully you guys will check it out! 

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