13. The Boggart

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13. The Boggart

Harry and Rosa, and Draco and Hermione finished up and decided to have everyone meet the next day in the same spot. True to everyone's word, they all showed up. They stood before a large trunk that rattle occasionally.

"Right here we have a Boggart in a trunk." Harry said to the group before him.

"Aye, we know how to fight Boggarts! What about Death Eaters, Potter?" Draco sneered, Harry glared at him and opened his mouth to make a rude comment, but Rosa cut him off.

"We are using a Boggart so we can think on our toes and be prepared for anything, even if we are scarred by what we must face. Since you are so keen on being a professional on this, then why don't you begin." It wasn't a question, but a command.

"Yes, your majesty." Draco sneered and stepped forward. Harry unlatched the trunk and out came the Boggart.

The creature froze for a moment, then took the shape Hermione's corpse lying dead on the floor before him. The room was silent and Draco paled even more than usual. His hand shook as he held out his wand.

"Ridd-ridd..." he stammered then fell to his knees, hiding his face in shame. His greatest fear was seeing the witch before him dead and knowing he was the reason she was like that, knowing he was the one that killed her.

"Riddikulus..." Blaise stammered and went to his friend.

Blaise Zabini stumbled forward and pulled his friend up. The other boy's face was pale and his hands shaking. Harry and the others were too stunned to speak. Blaise told the others that he and Draco were going to their Commons, that Draco was too shook up to continue for the night. The two left.

Blaise took his friend out of the room just in time. As the door to the Room closed behind him, Draco broke down. He slid down the wall and hid his face. His body shook with silent sobs that ripped through his body. Blaise sat beside his friend, letting his friend cry. He had never seen Draco this... vulnerable and raw. He had seen him angry and on a few occasions happy, but he had never seen his best friend like this.

"I did it." Draco yelled loudly. The boggart had gotten the only soft spot he had, Hermione.

"No, mate." Blaise assured. "She's fine. It was a boggart."

"No, It was too real. I heard her screaming for me to help her, but I didn't!" he croaked.

Blaise continued to reassure his despare filled friend. After a while Draco calmed down and only shook with raw fear. Blaise led the scarred looking boy through their commons and into their dorms. He sent him to bed and waited until he was asleep. Draco was his best friend and he knew how he felt about Hermione. He cared about her as much as he himself cared for Ginny. He sighed and went to his bed. Sleep quickly overcame him.

Back in the Room it was silent. The boggart was nothing for no one had stepped up. The sight of her own corpse had rattled Hermione. Draco cared for her so much that his greatest fear was losing her. She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts. She felt a warm hand get placed on her shoulder. Luna was trying to reign her back in.

"That was a rather strange insight..." Hermione mumbled, her eyes unfocused.

"Indeed." Luna replied.

Everyone in the room except Rosa faced the Boggart. The creature changed shapes from spiders, to loved ones in pain and to Death Eaters. Harry's was Rosa cowering before a hooded figure, shaking as the Cruciatus Curse was being preformed on her. Finally Rosa stepped up. The creature froze for a moment, pondering what it would turn into. Finally, it took the form of Ginny Weasley and Harry before her.

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