31. Shadow

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31. Shadow

Ron stood miserably outside of Grace's bedroom door. He heard her kick the wall once more. The loud kick was followed by an angry scream and the sound of a person throwing them self into bed.

"I love you, Grace." He said affectionately through the door.

"Take a long walk off of a short cliff, Ronald Weasley!" Grace yelled; a moment later something large and heavy hit the door just above Ron's head.

"I do love you..." Ron said softly. Another item flew and hit the door again. He cringed and made his way into the living room and took his spot on the couch.

"I can't believe what I've done." He mumbled to himself and hid his face in his hands.

"And I can't believe what I'm seeing." came a familiar voice. Ron looked up to see the shadowy, red headed figure of his dead brother. His eyes widened in shock as he stared at shimmering image of Fred Weasley. "Not only does my little brother have... did have a fiancé, but he's also got girlfriend! Last time I checked your relationship status had slipped down to 'undesirable.'"

"Your...?" Ron muttered.

"Amazing? Talented? Hilarious? Wondrous? Outstanding? Handsome? Downright gorgeous?" Fred offered with a smirk. "Tell me when I'm getting warm."

"Dead." Ron said to his brother. "You're dead."

"And you're a git." Fred said and eyed his brother.

"Anything else new?" Ron answered sarcastically.

"Well," Fred said "you're girlfriend is going to kill you."

"I know."

"Your best friend probably hates you."

"I know."

"Harry is going to be disappointed."


"Mum's going to boil you alive."


"And you've got an awfully pissed off dead boy that wants your head on a silver platter." Fred finished and watched his brother raise an eyebrow.

"What?" Ron asked, slightly shocked.

"Malfoy isn't too happy." Fred with a shrug. "But then again, he's always scowling and sneering about."

Ron cursed under his breath, knowing that Malfoy was going to find a way to kill him even though he was dead.

"Show her your sorry." Fred said, the usual prankster's attitude had slipped into a more serious note.

"I have." Ron answered miserably.

"No, you haven't. You need to actually show her." Fred answered. Ron shook his head and scowled, not wanting relationship advice from his dead brother.

"How are you here?" He instead asked. Fred sighed, knowing his brother's stubborn ways.

"I'm a Shadow."

"A Shadow?"

"A Shadow." Fred confirmed. "Every person who dies is given one chance to come back for just a while as a Shadow."

"What's the difference between a Shadow and a Ghost?" Ron questioned, obviously avoiding his own problem.

"A Shadow is only here for as long as they need to be; a Shadow has moved on. A ghost is still in this world. I am a Shadow, therefore apart of the Other World."

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