Where Do I begin?

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Shoutout to all the unpaid workers!

WWE is becoming stale and I thought that wouldn't of happened. What happened to all the arenas being sold out? No more tickets left because everyone bought them? Vince Mcmahon has let down this company and his boyfriend aka Kevin Dunn. He's been whispering all these things to Vince and that's why he doesn't push stars that we want to see like,

Jack Swagger - His push to being a main event star and a WWE Champion stopped because he was caught with weed.

Zack Ryder - Vince just didn't like him and turned him into a glorified jabroni.

Dean Ambrose - Vince and Kevin Dunn think he's not a 'poster boy' so " let's just turn him into a jobber."

Bo Dallas- I don't even know. He has a great wrestling background he should just move back down to Nxt to be honest.

Rusev : Met John Cena. Enough said. Vinny Mac tries to break up Lana and Rusev.

Back to what I was saying. When people like, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, Enzo & Big Cass, Baron Corbin and Sami Zayn officially join the Main roster, don't be surprised if Vinny Mac shortens their name like Baron, Cass, Sami and Finn. For example, look at Adrian Neville his name has been shortened to just 'Neville'. When Enzo and Cass move to the main roster, Vinny might just split them up and then he won't have anything to do with them so he'll make them jobbers. The disadvantages of being on the main roster are that Vinny and Kevin limits your moveset. Just look at Neville, he has a very good moveset and Vince puts him in matches with jobbers like Adam Rose and Wade Barrett.


All for now bitches, Bye

BestInTheWorldd - Out

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