Royal Rumble

178 11 7

Can someone unpredictable win the royal rumble this year?

I'm not going to be one of those people who say,
"If so and so wins I'm not watching wwe." We all know that's a lie.

I'm just saying if Roman does win it, why does he have to win it on the consecutive win. There are more wrestlers who deserve it.

I don't mind if Roman does win it, Vince should just make the winner unpredictable. Someone who would gain from it.

Bray Wyatt, Dolph Ziggler, Curtis, Stardust and Neville. Vince could do something unpredictable but he might just choose to be predictable.

Roman either would retain or be defeated by Triple H which leads on to main eventing wrestlemania. That's probably how it might go down.

I want to see Daniel Bryan win if wwe ever clear him.

But will that happen? Nope.

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