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The Hall Of Fame. Where do I begin?
Im happy that sting has been inducted because he really deserves it.
But there are more wrestlers that should be inducted.

Chyna - I don't care if hunter's children search her up and see nudes and whatever. If you search up Sunny or Seth Rollins what comes up? Ok.

Chris Benoit - WWE should be recognising him for his talent. He was and still is the best technical wrestler. There are many people in the hof who have done bad things but they're still in there.

Umaga & Yokozuna - WWE hardly recognises the deaths of wrestlers. Only if it's someone who didn't break the wellness policy or someone who was the main star. They both deserve to be in there.

Melina - Should be inducted. Nuff said.

AJ Lee & CM Punk

Randy Savage.


Who do you think should be inducted in the hall of fame?

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