5 | Tyler B R E E Z E

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What kind of debut was that? I swear that Vince just messed it all up. He should have debuted in hell in a cell against John Cena. He's going on a break anyways. Why did he debut as Summer Rae 's new babe? Out of everything, Vince makes him debut on SmackDown. I bet you that the people in that arena didn't even know who Tyler was.

Where is Lana? I hope she joins back with Rusev. I don't even know why they were broken up in the first place. The storyline was so cheesy. So we just forget about everything and it goes back to normal. Vince Mcmahon logic.

I really hope when Finn, Baron, Enzo, Big Cass and Samoa Joe gets called up for the main roster that they debut properly. Not on SmackDown. Samoa Joe should debut when John does his Open Challenge at HIAC.

You want some,

Come get some.

The champ is hereeeeee. Blah blah blah.


B - Out

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