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I was watching The Stone Cold Steve Austin Podcast with Vince Mcmahon aka Vinny Mac and the part that got me was:

Wrestlers have to go and grab the brass ring.

Vince shut your god damn mouth. Zack Ryder went to grab that brass ring and look what happened. You made him a glorified jabroni. Don't say things and you don't stick to your word. I agree with CM Punk. There are too many politics in the WWE. PG ERA has done nothing for WWE. I'd rather watch TNA because Jeff and Matt Hardy and many others are making it watchable again. Vince your only doing this because you have no real competition. The wrestling in Japan is so much better.

Lemme get to what I was saying. Anyway, in the WWE hardly anybody has a gimmick. In the divas divisions, you are either crazy or not. Alicia and AJ had the same gimmick but AJ did it better. Roman hardly has a gimmick. Vince should have made him into the early Taker. A silent badass who doesn't take shit. There are like 3 Roman Reigns. There is only supposed to be 1. Baron Corbin and Josh both look (well except from baron) like Roman and have the same 'gimmick' as him. The silent badass who doesn't take shit from anyone.

Look back at the Attitude Era. Wrestlers had proper gimmicks. The Rock, Chris Jericho, Edge, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Kane and The Undertaker all had gimmicks. Hardly any superstar or diva has a gimmick. Like what the hell is Nikki Bella's gimmick? What is Naomi's gimmick. Brie Bella doesn't even have a gimmick for crying out loud. All the NXT girls have a gimmick. Just to name some, Becky The lass kicker and Sasha Banks the Boss.

Vince you are doing a very horrible job. I don't even know what R Truth 's gimmick is because maybe in Vince ' s mind, all black people dress up with baggy clothes and are always in church. Like how can you not see that New Day's gimmick is racist as fuck. The only black person as world champion they've had is The Rock and he doesn't even count.

This is the 2nd Chapter of Vinny Mac's mistakes.

Bye Guys.

-BestInTheWorldd- CM Punk

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