chapter 7: it's love and anger

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Hey guys I don't know when I'll end this story but I hope its not soon. Alright, ON WITH THE FANFICTION!

Bb and rae just glared at the three shocked titans. Cy had a giant smirky look on his face, star flurried in excitement, and Robin just cought flies.

"What.." Bb broke the silence. Raven, on the other hand, blushed a shady rose red. The three titans stood in awkwardness but soon left the corador.


Bb and rae sat on the top of the tower, staring at the sunset. Cy went to the new mechanic shop for parts of the t car, and rob went on a date with star, leaving bb and rae back home. "Hey rae?" Bb began, luckingly didn't studder. "Y-yea?" Rae replied. "I-im sorry bout what happened b-b-back their..." He studders while scratching behind his neck. Raven just sat there, scared. "What's wrong rae?" He asked again. She finally responded. "I'm scared b...." She said. He stood there, wondering why." "Can't u tell me why?" He asked. She again stood silent. "I'm afraid that whatever has happened to us this past week might interfere with my powers." She sadly remarked. "What do u mean?" He questioned. "WHAT I MEAN IS THAT IF MY EMOTIONS GET OUT OF CONTROL, I CAN KILL SOMEONE OR EVEN WORSE, DESTROY THE EARTH!" She yelled with tears streaming down her face. " didn't mean to's just....I love this team and everyone in it, ecspeacially you..." Bb blushed at her comment. He then got closer to rae and hugged her. While kissing her forehead, he whispered to her: "I love you too rave...*sobs* I don't want to lose you.." He admitted. She hugged him closer as tho in the background, something blew up. They didn't seem to care and headed back inside, hand in hand.

Blue and Green: a bbrae fanfiction (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now