Ch.34 Help

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Elena and Macy stood there with shock after what Natalie told them.

"What do you mean you think you're pregnant?!" Macy asked.

"Let me explain" Natalie said with a scared look "So um, a couple nights ago, I kinda, did it with this guy, but he was wearing a condom, but then when I woke up the next morning, I saw that the condom was broken, and I got scared so I took 2 pregnancy tests, and one of them said positive and the other said negative so I am really confused".

"Oh my God!" Elena gasped.

"Who's the guy?" Macy asked.

"His name's Gregg, he's one of the football players".

"Are you dating him?"

"No actually" she said nervously "I went to this party even though I wasn't invited, and I met him and we kinda hooked up and did it".

"You did the thing with a guy at a party?!" Elena gasped.

"I know what I did was wrong and now I'm regretting it and I'm really scared now!"

"Natalie you have to see a doctor!" Macy suggested.


"It's the best choice" Elena said.

"Yeah why didn't you go in the first place?" Macy asked.

"Because I was scared, and I wanted to talk to you".

"Why me?"

"Because you're the only person I trust, I don't why, but I trust you".

"Well you have to trust me when I say that you need to see a doctor" Macy said, she then looked at the wall clock "You know what, let's go now".

"Now?" Natalie and Elena said.

"Yeah come on" Macy said as they went out the room and headed to the entrance.

"Can we hurry this?" Elena asked "Cause I have to get ready for my date tonight".

"You have a date with who?" Natalie asked.

"That's none of your business".

The girls walked out of the school and towards Macy's car and got in and drove away.

In her dorm, Raven was practicing a spell on an apple.

"Come on apple" she said to herself "Rot".

She then shot some purple magic at the apple, and soon the apple was rotten to the core.

"I did it!" Raven smiled "I actually did it!"

She then heard a knock at the door. She went over and opened it to see Faybelle wearing a sports jacket.

"Raven" she said.

"Bye" Raven frowned as she slammed the door.

But Faybelle then pounded on the door as Raven groaned as she opened the door.

"What do you want Faybelle?" she asked annoyed.

But before Faybelle could talk, she pushed pass Raven and into the dorm.

"Uh, excuse me?" Raven said with an annoyed look "I didn't invite you in".

"Of course you didn't" Faybelle smirked "No one invites me anywhere".

"Well what do you want? And why are you wearing that sports jacket?"

"Ok look" Faybelle said "I need to talk to you".

She then pulled the jacket off revealing her missing wings.

"Uh" Raven's eyes widen "What happened to your wings?"

"They were stolen from me when I was asleep".


"This guy name Vincent Charming burned my wings off and gave it to this ogre in exchange for some fluid".

"Did you say Charming?"

"He's a Charming from Never After".


"And the reason why I told you this is because I need your help to get my wings back".

"What?" Raven gasped "Why me?"

"Because, well, I think that if you help me since you also have dark magic, it would be easier to get my wings".

"So, you want me to help you get your wings from an ogre?"

"Yeah pretty much".

Raven started to think about it, even though Faybelle has been really mean to her, should she help her? But then she got an idea.

"All right" she said with a sneaky smile "I'll help".

"Great" Faybelle smiled.

"On one condition" Raven added as Faybelle groaned.

"What?" she asked annoyed.

"I'll help you if you promise to stop being a bitch to me, and that means no rude comments, no creating scenes that embarrass me, just, stop being mean to me. And I mean it".

Faybelle gave a sigh, it was her destiny to be a villain, but she had no other choice in order to get her wings back.

"Ok" she sighed "I promise".

"Do you really mean it?"

"Yeah, but I might forget it though".

"Good enough" Raven sighed "Now where does this ogre live?"

"He lives somewhere deep within the Enchanted forest, but I think I know how we can find him".

They then went to the door and stepped into the hall, just in time to bump into Briar who happened to be in the hall.

"Oh, sorry Raven" she said when she spotted Faybelle with no wings "Faybelle" she gasped "Your wings!"

"Shh!" Faybelle hissed "Not out loud!"

"What happened?" Briar asked with a shocked look as Faybelle pulled her into Raven's dorm.

"To make a long story short" she said "My wings were stolen and were given to an ogre and now we're going to get them back".

"An ogre?"

"Yes, now you can't tell anyone about this, Raven and I are going to get my wings back and we should be back soon".

"Wait" Briar stopped them "You guys are just going to this ogre to get your wings back?"

"That's specifically  what I said" Faybelle said.

"I wanna help".

"What?" Raven and Faybelle said with their eyes widen.

"Oh no Briar" Raven said "You're not going with us, this is an ogre we're dealing with, you could get hurt, or even killed".

"But what if something happens to you guys?" Briar asked "What if you need an extra hand?"

"We don't need 50 extras hands" Faybelle said "We've got magic, that should help us".

"But what if the ogre isn't home and you need a lookout to make sure the coast is clear?"

"She's got a point" Raven whispered to Faybelle.

Faybelle gave a groan "Ok fine you can come, but just stay out pf trouble, and don't tell anyone".

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