Chapter 20 (Edited)

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 "So, I see that you two are here. Do you two need any help finding your way back?" someone asked, causing me to jump and turn around, startled. I couldn't help but frown when I saw that it was Cale, but nevertheless nudged my dog when she growled at him.

"Cale! What are you doing here?" I asked, tensing slightly. I grabbed hold of Mika's collar, knowing that she would try to do something. Heck, I didn't trust Cale not to do anything, since we were alone in the forest.

"Well, after I finished talking to your mother, I followed you into the woods," Cale explained, causing me to huff and roll my eyes. "It was hard to follow you, because your footprints seemed to disappear in the snow."

I frowned and cocked my head, not knowing what he meant. How could my footprints just disappear? I mean, it wasn't natural, though I wasn't natural at all either. "What do you mean by that?"

"Well, look down at your feet, and you will see what I am talking about," he said, rather rudely.

I frowned at his rude behavior but lifted up my foot. I blinked in surprise when the footprint started to fill in, even though no snow was falling from the sky. "Well, at least we know that my father is helping out," I said to Mika, putting my foot down. "Though, I don't know how that is possible."

"See, that was the matter. It was doing that, so I didn't know where you were hiding."

I shook my head. "What are you doing here, Cale?" I asked.

Cale smirked. "Well, I was bored of waiting with your mother, so I thought that I'd come find you," he replied. "I mean, you are a girl."

"And, you are a sarcastic brat, sounding like a girl," I countered, walking back the way that I had came. I pushed Cale out of the way with my shoulder, a little surprised that he had moved. "I do not and will never need your help."

"Well, are you sure?" Cale asked, still sounding like a brat.

I sighed, and rubbed my forehead when a headache appeared out of nowhere. I kept hold of Mika's collar, knowing that I would probably do something, or she would probably do something, that we would regret in the end. "Yes, I am sure that I know this area well," I said. "I know how to get back to my mother's car or just go home."

"Well, you could be wrong. I mean, girl's aren't good with directions."

I clenched my hands into fists of rage, a sudden burst of anger burning through my core. I turned towards him, knowing that I had that wild look in my eye. I took a step forward, making sure that I still had Mika's collar in my hand. "I know where I am going. I am not stupid," I hissed, narrowing my eyes. I took another step forward, causing him to take a step back. "I might be a girl, but I've learned to grow up quickly and become the person that I was today."

Cale gulped and raised his hands in front of him, trying to protect himself from me. "Alright, I believe you," he gulped.

"You can go your way, or you can go my way. Which way do you choose?"

"I'll go your way, even though I don't want to," he replied, muttering.

I grit my teeth together, trying to get control on my anger. "I heard that," I spat. I turned around and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I walked back to where my family was, wanting to get to John before I hit this... this person.

I let go of Mika's collar and stuffed my hands into my jacket. I didn't look behind me, knowing that Cale was at a safe distance away from my fist flying in his direction. Let's just hope that it stays that way.


John looked up from where he was playing on his phone. There was a smile on his face, but it instantly turned into a frown when he saw that look on my face. Worry, and a slight bit of fear, flashed through his face while he placed his phone into his pocket. "Mary?" he asked, walking over to me. "Are you ok?"

I shook my head and pulled him into a hug. I closed my eyes and nestled my forehead into his neck, breathing his calming scent. I couldn't help but huff and grab one of his arms, making it so that he pulled me into a hug. "No questions," I muttered. "Just hold me."

John didn't need to be told twice and wrapped his arms around me. He placed his head on mine and rubbed my back. "It's all right," he said, soothingly. "I am here. I got you."

After a few minutes, I took a deep breath and backed away from him. "Thanks," I said, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. "Cale made me..."

Something flashed in John's eyes, but it was gone in no time, making me think that I had noticed it. "Cale made you what?" he asked, his voice hard.

I looked around and frowned, not knowing where Cale had went off to. "Pissed, angry, and annoyed," I replied. "He's an idiot that thinks that he can just waltz right into my life and tell me how to live it. I just-" I grabbed hold of my head. "Ugh! I just want to hit and kick him and-"

"And, you are rambling again," an amused voice said, causing me to turn to it. I relaxed when I saw that it was my mother. "Let me get this straight, you don't like Cale?"

"He's an a-hole," I replied, causing her to smile a little. "Can I slap him?"

Mom shook her head, no, causing me to huff. "Don't worry about it," she said. "Come on, let's go find everyone and get this show on the road." She looked at her clock. "We are about to be late."

I nodded my head, knowing why she looked slightly tense. We needed to get there soon, so we would be able to rescue the horses. If we weren't, then they would be sold for horse-meat or something worse.


A/N: Well, guess Cale is not on Mary's good terms. I hope he can fix it soon, unless he wants an angry girl on his hands.

And can't I just say awww with Mary and John. <3 They love each other yet are scared to do something. However, they sometimes do act like a couple.

Anyways, peace out Fluffy Munchkins.

 Stay Beautiful


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