Chapter 13 (Edited)

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I went into the kitchen to get my coat and hat because it was still snowing outside. My thoughts were all muddled about what I had told Frankie and such. I didn't know what Frankie thought about me being able to talk to animals with my mind.

I knew that he was going to tell my father, but I didn't really care. I just hoped my father wouldn't think that I was some sort of freak.

I shook my head while I sat down with a sigh. I grabbed my heavy boots and started to place them on, knowing that I was going to need them for leverage.

There was a clicking sound that made me look up to see Mika coming into the kitchen. There was a frown on her face and she cocked her head, wondering about me. Her ears were pricked but she didn't say anything while I finished tying up my boots.

"Are you okay?" she asked when I pulled on my gloves and stood.

I shook my head, while I walked towards the back door with her following me. "I just don't know what I am going to do right now," I replied, opening the back door.

The wind and some snow blew into the house, almost knocking me back. It felt as if a blizzard was happening and not just a bad snow storm. The wind was howling and almost knocked the door out of my hands, however, I kept hold of it. I covered my face, blinking while I stepped out into the shivering cold.

I closed the door behind Mika, before I started to walk towards the Dog Barn, which was the closest barn to the house. Inside the barn were Pureblood Huskies, which we used for  dog racing and such. Some of them we sold, but we mostly kept them and trained them ourselves.

I stumbled forward, trying to fight against the blowing wind. My whole body ached, but I didn't care while I pushed forward. I was on a mission to get to the barn and nothing was going to stand in my way.

"Man, this is torture," Mika said from beside me. Her ears were flat against her head, and her eyes were half closed, trying to keep the snow from getting into her eyes. Her head was turned towards me, trying to keep it so that she could still be moving forward, even though we did slide every so often.

"Why do say that this is torture?" I glanced down at her, shielding my face with my arm. Even though she was right next to me, I was having trouble seeing her. I was guessing it was because of the snowstorm.

"Well it is snowing hard, and you are walking out here," she replied in a 'duh' tone.

"I am not making you come with me, Mika." I gritted my teeth together, feeling slightly annoyed with her attitude. Sure, she meant well, but I was in a bad mood, and I didn't need her to add to it. "You are coming with me on your own accord."

"I know that I am, Mary, but I also know that you need me here right now."

A smile flickered on my lips when she said that. I knew that I could count on her when I was feeling down. She would always be by my side, and I trusted her with my life. "You are good to me, Mika."

Mika nodded her head. "I know that I am. I guess it's because we've been through a lot together."

I nodded my head, agreeing with her. I stayed silent while I walked the rest of the way to the barn, which had taken longer than it should've. I bit back a grunt of annoyance and opened the door before I looked into the dog barn.


Dogs filled the whole barn, most of them curled up together in the middle of the barn. Panting sounds could be heard, but that was the only sound coming from them.

Silently, I closed the barn door, making one of the dogs look up at me. His brown eyes held much wisdom in them, but that was because of his old age. His black turning gray fur indicated his age, letting us know that he wasn't a young dog anymore. His name, was Jindum, and he was the Alpha of the group.

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