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A/N: Not done editing. Posting what I have all ready edited. I started writing this in 7th grade so ya.

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It was a dark and snowy night with two figures sitting outside, watching the snow fall down in the North Pole. The older of the two was quiet, while watching his child look around, sleepily.

"You'll have to behave for your mother, Mary," the older man said, looking at his four year old daughter. "Frankie will be there, if you need to talk to him."

"I will, Papa," she said, looking lovingly at her father and trying not to yawn. Her brown eyes tried not to close, but they sometimes did before they opened up again. She watched her father, her cheeks a little red from the cold.

The father laughed and cuddled his daughter closer to him. He knew that this would be the last time he had with his little girl, but he wished her the best. He knew why his wife was taking away their child, but he wished that it wasn't true. He wanted them both to be with him during Christmas and there after.

The little girl snuggled her face into his snow white beard and took in the smells of her father. She loved that he smelt like Christmas, always smelling fresh and clean. She closed her eyes again, slightly dozing.

After a few minutes the little girl's father took her by the shoulders and pulled her face out of his beard. She looked up at him and looked away shivering. Something in his eyes, made the little girl worry, and she didn't like it one bit.

"Look at me, Mary," her father said, with such intensity that she did as she was told to do. He sighed and put a hand in his pocket. "I got something for you, and I want you to wear it every day. You should say to yourself that you are my daughter, and you should be proud that you are Mary Clause. No one can take that away from you, or my love for you and your mother." He pulled out a red sleigh necklace

"I will always remember you, Papa," the little girl said, as her father placed the necklace around her neck, "and I will always wear it." She touched it, before looking up at her father, smiling at him.


Welcome to Willow Tree Stables, home to the famous "horse whisperer" Mary Lane. At age 15, turning 16, Mary had worked with abused horses her whole life, with the help of her mother and her friends. They helped them get to trust in humans again and make the unrideable horses rideable.

However, like most people, there are secrets that she kept from people and people kept from her.

The biggest one is about her father being the famous, yet mythical, Santa Clause. Sure, she knew that he was her father. However, as time went on, Mary had forgotten about her father and just thought that her mother was the only one that had lived in her life.

Another secret is how she became known as the "horse whisperer". She could speak to animals in her mind, but is she the only one or are there others like her, who can talk to animals with her mind?

What happens when a boy comes into her life, and all she thinks about is how aggravating he is? Sure, he knows the secret about who Mary is, but she doesn't like him one bit, even though her best friend likes him from the start.

Will she figure out who she is before it's too late? Or will she perish at the hand of something or someone that doesn't want her alive?


A/N: All right's reserved to Rissa Clever, Rissa_Rogue or WolfGirl0910 That means no copying. :3

Also, I'll dedicate a chapter to you if you make me a cover or comment on a part. That's a promise.

Santa's Daughter (1st bk of Santa Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now