Chapter 1

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"Hi," I whisper to Dylan as I sit down in English. He's saved me a spot, as usual. I bite my lip, hoping, he'll notice my shirt today. After a few moments, I go back to writing my notes. Of course he won't notice, June, I chide to myself.
The bell rings, and we pack up our stuff as I try to get through the hallways. It's so crowded, and with me being so short, I have to follow Dylan to get to my locker. (We have lockers near each other).
He sighs, and turns to me. "Adalyn was looking really cute today," he said to me.
I grit my teeth. Keep it together, keep it together. "Yeah. I liked her shirt."
"Me too! " I turned away so he wouldn't see me wipe my eyes quickly.
"June. Are you sure okay? You've been acting like this since September."
"I'm fine, Dylan. the me you've always known," I say, turning around to smile at him.
"Yeah, sure. Who I've always known is the girl who never acts super weird after I mention my crushes and never turns to wipe their eyes after I talk about Adalyn."
He noticed.
I look side to side, wondering if I was around the bathrooms so I could excuse myself and have a good pep-talk, but we were nowhere near the bathrooms. Of course.
"June... If you need to tell me can tell me."
"I'm FINE, Dylan."
"Okay." I hear him say, concerned.
I wonder to myself, will they get together, what will happen if they do? We were supposed to ditch prom together, to have a movie night instead,
What do we do after that?
We had planned out just about our entire lives together. I had never really thought about anything after high school. No. No.
It wasn't him. It wasn't him at all. It was me, it was all in my head, it was not real.
It was Adalyn.
It was all because of Adalyn.

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