10. In my Apartment

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 If looks could kill Mr. Agrawal would be dead now.

"Ahem." I heard someone clear his throat behind Mr.Agrawal. I pushed Mr. Agrawal lightly away from me .We turned around to look at the person. It was the watchman.

"Madam... Sir told me to give you this." The watchman said and handed me a Rubik's cube. I smirked. For everyone else it was just a playing color cube. But with the combination of 3 different colors in a line we could open it.

I opened the box and inside there lay our apartment's key.

"What's that?" He asked.

"My apartment keys." I told him.

"And who gave this keys to watchman?" He asked.

"Aren't you coming in now?" I asked changing the topic. I started walking forward followed to him. We waited for the elevator to arrive. Silence, too much of tension and frustration was in the air.

He waited for me to unlock the apartment. I wished everything to be clean. As I was messy it was not always clean. We walked in and there were 2 coffee mugs on the table which I assumed to be of Jay and Cai's.

I heard my apartment's door shut with a loud bang.

"You didn't answer my question?" He asked, eyeing me and then the coffee mugs on the table. He will never understand my and Jay's relationship. My prayers were heard and at that time mine and Jay's tablet which we usually kept at home started ringing. Its number was with me and Jay only. I picked up his call.

"Kiara... Where is your cell. I have being calling you for so long.?" Jay asked worried. I looked at my cell which was switched off.

"Seems like my battery... Died."

I heard a loud glass crashing noise.

"Jay, I will call you later." With that I hung up. That voice came from Jay's room and I ran in his room and gasped. Mr. Agrawal had thrown down a large photo frame of me kissing Jay's cheek which I gifted him on his birthday.

"What the fuck Agrawal?" I shouted walking towards him. He turned to look at me and in an inhuman speed I walked backwards. He walked towards me and with his one hand the door of Jay's room was closed and I was pinned roughly against the door. My head hurt a little.

"Are you crazy?" I yelled.

"I am crazy? Yay, maybe I am. I should have known that you have been fucking some guy. Wait, you are in a living relationship with him, aren't you?" He asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked him.

"Don't your dare lie." With that his grip on my shoulder tightened.

"I could clearly see two pillows two blankets on that bed and two coffee mugs on that coffee table." He said very angrily. His eyes were red and I could see something break deep within him.

"Mr. Agrawal ,Cai is.." I started softly to make him understand that it's Cai who is sharing the room with Jay.

"Don't." With that he banged his closed fist on the door. I gasped to see his hand bleeding. Probably due to the glass photo frame he threw. I gentle touched his hand and he shrugged me away. I saw hatred in his eyes.

"I right here was looking for you like a mad man for over 1 year. I was fucking worried about you and you..." He closed his eye.

"Agrawal I... " I touched his shoulder. Him getting angry was not good. I have seen him angry and it scared me that he might do something to himself because he losses all the calm and consciousness while he is angry.

"I said stop... Just, just don't." With that he pushed me away from the door and walked past it. I ran after him.

"Agrawal ,no ,Agrawal wait." I shouted. I stood in front of him.

"It's not what you think." I told him.

"Yes Kiara... Tell me it was never what I thought. I understand I did wrong to you by keeping you in the dark and not telling you about our marriage and this is how you take revenge." His hand was digging in my arm. "By sitting on someone's lap... By sleeping around. Wearing such clothes." He addressed at the red dress I was wearing.

"You are hurting me." I said. His hands grip on my shoulder was very tight.

"No Kiara ,you are hurting me." He shouted.

"Isn't he the same guy who pulled you away from me the first time we met. Fuck. I should have know. Each and every woman is the same. My mother, you everyone. I was crazy to look for you. I wished I would have never asked Carter to look for you. I wish I would have never seen your face." He told me and started walking towards the exist. I started crying. My head was aching. He turned around to look at me.

"You know what Kiara. I wished I would have never fallen for you. But now you are giving me a reason to hate you."

"Fuck you Agrawal. If you think so poorly of me. You don't even deserve my hatred." I shouted falling on the mattress of the living room crying. My apartment's door closed with a loud bang.

"I wish you would understand me." I murmured.
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- D.love

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