Destination Received

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Taka's POV:
After receiving mission,i go to my location.The mission was to kill a man that caused many problems to our place.So the House Kamuha selected me to do this mission and assasinate the man.After hours of walking,i arrived at my location.This place seems familiar... that's what i thought.The place was heavily guard,two guards equiped with a samurai armor and a very sharp-looking katana.Not just that but the inside has many more than the outside.i used my kaku so that no one may see me,i grabbed a small rock and threw it to certain place to bait the guard.As the guard walked slowly to the place where the rock is,i killed them without mercy,fortunately no one saw the two of them died.Outside,done.Now's the inside i said.To my surprise,everyone was already expecting me to enter the dojo,they have a bitter look on their face.All of them attacked at one but they let their guard down,many opening was not guard.I take the advantage of killing all of them,not even a minute and they all die already,pathetic."What the hell is this?I thought the guy that causing problem at our place was a guy that can one shot anyone just with their hands,but it was an old fart?This joke is not even funny dude."i said to the old fart.
"I see you'd have come,Taka." He said to me.
"How'd you know my name,old fart?Hmm..time's running,time for talk is over old fart,go die."I used my X-Retsu and killed him,without mercy of course.
"Well done..Taka,i'd see you have grown strong." He said to me with a fade voice.
" are..SISHOU!??" I screamed to him loudly.
"Taka,come here",my Sishou said.
"Yes,what is it Sishou?",i asked him.
"As a reward for you doing well at practice,i will give you this blade,grow even stronger Taka",my sishou said while giving me the switchblade.
"Yes,Sishou",i said while bowing my head as respect.
*Flashbacks ends*
"I can't believe what i just done...",i said with a lower voice...then a voice wishper to me You are Taka of House Kamuha,SAID IT."NOOO!!",i screamed loudly.i escaped the dojo and make my run.

*2 days later..*
Where is this place?i thought...then at the pole near me,i read it "Halcyon Fold..huh?",so i am at Halcyon Fold...never heard of it before.I walked around the town,there is a human,a plant and a beast living here,just like me.I found a inn and enter it.
*Silence and everyone looking at Taka.."
Great,what a nice way to greet someone,i thought.I go to the counter and asked for a room and he said that it was 20 gold,i paid him and went to my room,"hmmm...what a nice looking room"..aand i instantly went to bed and fall asleep within seconds...

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