!The Training!

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Ringo's Appearance On The Picture


No alarm clock and anything that used to wake people up from their sleep,i don't have those.But i still woke up early,maybe because of the "Fight" the king said so."I think i should get a quick shower and just resuse this clothes.",i think loud but people doesn't heard me saying so,which is good thing.I opened clothes and quickly enter the bathroom to take a shower.

*3 Minutes Later*

"Ahh,i feel refreshed after that quick shower.",i thought loud.So i went finding my clothes and wear it,not wasting any time.But still,that quick shower was good,damn i said those words in my mind.Just as always,the innkeeper always of the smile on his face.I wished he would stay like that forever,who knows maybe he will get a good friend,or rival.Now that i think about it,the last seems wrong.

I went out from the Inn and walked my to the King's House,but i saw Adagio and greeted him.He greeted me back,Adagio is also friendly,wished my teammate that i soon to meet is friendly as him.So we took a walk together and walked ourselve to the King's House.

Time Skip,At The House/Mansion

No matter how use i'm gonna be at his house,i'm still amazed i won't lie about it,those thought came into my mind just after me and Adagio arrived at the place.So here,we met the king and go to the back side of the place so we could begin our training.When we arrived at the Training Ground,i saw 8 guys in a line,and i think me and Adagio should do the same so me and Adagio lined up.We divide ourselves into 2 Groups,of course,4 members each group,unless you're bad with Maths.

My teammate was a guy with black hair in ponytail styles,he also had a beard,black beard of course (A/N not Black beard One Piece...).He somehow doesn't had a left arm,i decided not to ask him.He wore a brown shirt that cover his left side,leaving his right chest to the shoulder not covered by the shirt,and he wore black long pants.Have a rope with two circle things that tied to his right arm,for a weapon he is using a gun,the gun that somewhere you've seen from a cowboy movie.

"Uh...i'm new.My name's Taka,Uh...nice to meet ya.",i told them my names and try to break the silence,the guy with the gun smile.The others nodded.

"Name's Ringo,nice to meet you Taka,i have a feelings we will become good friend.",he said it to me with a smile.

"I'm Ardan,any problem,ask us and we'll help you.",the guy with the red robotic arm said,he look's promising even though his tone is someone that will betray you.

"Aaaaaand i am,James.The King's servant.I may not join the fight but i will help you guys train.",the servant said while bowing his head.Ringo facepalmed his head followed by Ardan while i just smiled nervously,well because he's weird.

"*cough cough*,I will explain things.This training will be a 4 versus 4 fight but there we fight one on one.When we enter the place,our enemies in training will waiting to fight us with a boiling heart with fire.So by that time,we'll chose our opponent,the opponent you chose might not choose you but just force him ok?It's training after all.",James explained things to all of us so we understood and not lost our way trying to figure what is going on.We all nodded.

"Ok,let's move.",Ringo stated to all of us with a firm confident voice,for me he might have a good talent to be a leader.We all moved to the other side,we all discussed who will we taking.I chose for a guy who look dead to me with a blue sword on his chest,my teammate told me to be careful.Ringo chose to fight Adagio,Ardan went to fight Fortress.James chose to fight Glaive,he pointed the tiger looking guy.

I went my way to the guy with the sword in the chest.I dashed myselve to him and dodged it swiftly,he may had a heavy body but nonthless,his speed was impressive.My win..That's what i thought when i brought my Switch blade to his stomach but he blocked it with his sharp nails.He looked like a ghost to me..That's what i thought about his appearance.

"The Name's Krul.You have impressive fighting style,let's enjoy ourselve.",he declared.His voice was reallllyyyyyyy deeeeeeeeeep.So creepy man,i regreted my decision to fight this guy.He rushed to me and readying his nails,i blocked it barely,i kaiten trying to scratch his head with the edge of my blade,it hit some of his head and bleed blue's blood.He up both his arm up and down like he controlling something to fall down,that is when i realized that a blue spirit looking blade came from the sky and tried to hit me and i barely dodged it,the sword left a scar to my left cheek (RE4 referance when Leon fight Krauser).I wiped the blood on my cheek.He pulled his blade out and threw it at me and i dodged it,when i looked back,the sword flew back to the guy and try to hit me and dodged another blade,again leaving a scratch to my left arm this time.

No choice.But i will just dissapear,don't do that please Taka..I whispered into my mind.I threw a smoke bomb and i dissapeared trying to catch him of guard.I ran to him faster and kaitened the guy and leaving a wound to his shoulder,it's not deep but still called a wound.I pointed my Blade to his neck,as a show that i won.

"HAahahahahahaaahhaa,that fight is really an intresting one.",Krul seemed to be happy about the fight as a left a small chuckle,not anyone could by the way because of my mask that covered from the neck to the end of my nose bridge.

"Oh yea,you told me your name so i gonna tell you mine.My name's Taka,as i want to be honest,that fight was intense.",Krul seemed to be smiling when i said that to him  but i could never tell.I looked to the other fight.Ringo shot multiple bullets at Adagio,it does hit but it seems Adagio can heal his wound.Ardan finished his fight with Fortress,Ardan pat Fortress's head.When i looked to James,i was smiling to see that the servant was good at fighting.Glaives and James repeating to block all of their blade or slash,each other have the same attempt:Defeat him. 

Time Skip (A/N because i don't know what to write.)

The fight was finished as Glaive as the victor but still had a hard time breathing.We were told to have a 30 Pushups after that and we all do so.Guess this is for the strength of our body.After the pushups,we were ordered to run without resting to the inn i was staying and run back here.That's for the stamina.Me and Ringo was competing who would run faster.I APPEARED TO BE THE VICTOR.But it's hard to catch a breath without resting after the turn.We all rested for 5 minutes and resume training.A 50 situp,What the fuck?...those words came into my mind,well nothing we can do about it by the way.A 50 situp and then another jog around the place for 2 rounds,For motherfucking sakes of earth,can i just rest already?Guess they were really want us to have a good stamina and strength.That's what i'm thinking currently at my mind.

*10 Minutes Later...*

Everyone was breathing heavily,even me was breathing heavily but not heavily as them,thanks to the devil House of Kamuha training me.

"Good training everyone,tomorrow is the big day where we'll fight the Quenn's army.",The King exclaimed to us and all of us nodded as a sign of yes.I could feel all the excitement at my body for the battle there."You all can go back now,and tomorrow by 5am,you all already here.They said the fight would be at 7 so again,don't be late",the King sighed.He look's he also want to have a peacful time.

"HEY GUYS!!!I will treat you to a bar.How's that sounds?",Ringo declared to all of us and we have a devil's eye that glared at Ringo."Of course,since my house was lonely,why don't you guys come over?",Ringo asked all of us.All of us screamed at Ringo's invitation.

And so we all went to the bar Ringo wanted to go to.We entered the place,we were having a good food and a drinking contest,i don't like alcohol.So i just kept on eating the food that i was given.We all were happy that night,after we all satisfied,we went out and goes to Ringo's house.IT WAS SURPRISINGLY BIG,looking by how Ringo's look.We all went inside,i decided to take a sleep right away at the Couch,everyone seems to have a chit chat and some of them went to a room.

I fell...asleeep.

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