[Inser suitable Title]

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A/N:Picture have no relations on this part,just some picture dear viewer.
Taka's POV:
They are not using a microphone or whatever object exist that will let our voices heard in distance.Yes,that was a technique,a technique that only he knows,the bastard that wanted me to kill my Shishou.In Kamuha,there were not three or hundred of followers but thousand.But the chosen one only ten,me included.The chosen one are teach by his deadly attacks.
I'd look at the others,they're ready for this battle.I wonder if the others are also ready.Just as i said that,a black portal is form in front all of us.A person could be seen getting out from the portal.It was a teen,could be around 17 or so.The teen begin to speak,addressing to all of us."The Queen would like all of you attend to her Palace now.The King is already there and currently forming a battle plan.",he paus for a second then continue."Forgive me,my name is Razor.Now if you would,please step into the portal.The portal would bring us there.".
I look at the others and they nod.I then nod to them.Firstly,it was me who in followed by Ardan,Vox and Ringo.When i step into the portal,the gravity was difrent,the inside was so wide and empty.The gravity carry me further ahead,i then see a faint light straight ahead.As i get closer and closer,the light that i saw was actually a hole.'The exit?',i make some thinking.I was correct,the light was the exit and i then in front all of them,The King,The Queen and the Competitors of The Queen.Even Glaive and Adagio is there.In the few days ago,i am a happy person.But now,my face are full void,no emotions but anger towards the his voice.
"Great,you're all here.Now listen,the town are now currently has complete been evacuate so we don't have to worry about civilians casualities.Now the the battle plan is not yet complete but we're planning of dividing the competitors in group and go to individual places.",The Queen explain of the current plan that we're gonna use for fighting them.I try reply but then The Queen starts explaining again."While the normal soldiers will be in group fighting and kill those they see as enemies.Razor will go with one of the divided groups,he will be the one to decide.",The Queen Stop explaining.
So Razor has an ability,huh?I thought that portal was an object from The Queen."I've just sent a scouts and got a report that each place is guarded by them,each place is around 8.One of the scouts try to fight them but was immediately skashed in half by one with 150cm long kata with murderous aura,based by the scouts.",The Queen starts stating something for us,a valuable information.'Wait....she said one with 150cm long kata with murderous aura?So she's also here..',i was shocked by own realization when i think about what The Queen said.
"First gro-",The Queen was suddenly cut off by a kick on the door and reveal 5 person.One is a female elves,based on the ear.The second was a huge beast with anchor tied on his feet..or tail,he is tall and green.Third person is a male with blonde hair,a long sword by his side and he's holding a rose with his mouth.Next is an old man with a spwooden staff,he doesn't wear any shirt but he did have wear a pants.Lastly was a monkey with huge silver-curcle shape rung.
"So you've returned?",so this is the scouts that the Queen sends.
The one with the blonde hair reply,"Yes beautiful,but sadly 10 of our men was killed.I''ve definitely look forward fighting that man with the murderous aura.",oh so he's a women lover base on how he talk.Wait now that i think about it,where is Fortress?
"No intention of butting in but,do some of you know an animal name Fortress?If you know,where is he now?",i couldn't help it but ask,Fortress was one of my friend i made.
This time,it was the old man who reply."Yes we do,but unfortunately,i'm sorry to tell you but he did not make it.He was caught and killed by one with blue aura surrounds his body,all it took was one kick towards the lungs place in to kill him.",no...it can't be..Fortress couldn't be dead.I've felt like my heart is now shatter,hit by a giant meteor.I shed tears but i quickly wipe it off.
"Enough of this.Group A will be Taka,Blackfeather,Ozo,Glaive and Kestrel.",The Queen silences us and my ear budged when i heard my name called.The Queen point her hand to the window.I am group with Glaive,the female elves,blond hair guy and the monkey."Your location,the Bounty Hunter Bar.",she tells us the place of our group.Blond guy jump out of the window immediately after she told us the place,i follow him and so did the others.
I hope Adagio,Vox and the others will be safe.I don't need another dead friend but i need a living friend.We sprint fast to our locaction,i caught up to blond guy."Name's Blackfeather,monkey is Ozo,the cute girl is Kestrel,i bet you already know the tiger guy,yours?",he ask for my name.
"Taka.",i quickly respond.Even while sprinting,he manage to let out his right hand to me for a handshake.I took it and do it by the way.
"Nice 'meet ya,Taka.Let's make it out of this alive,okay?",BlackFeather said.I nod to his fact of saying maming out alive.I just hope that none of us ends up dead.One is already enough.
Chapter Ends:
A/N:So what you guys think about it huh?i make this chapter as an explaining chapter of the upcoming battle declared by House of Kamuha.Hope you guys enjoy this one.Sorry no joke on this chapter.Yeah,sorry Fortress's main for the death of your main on this chapter.Need to make the plot ya know.I've still don't know if i should make some ship.I'm bad with them,but if you guys want to,i could try.Next chapter will be a fighting chapter and i guess it could be a bit longer,trying to make two group's fight.Hehehehe,hero's death won't be spoil.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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