No idea what to Name

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A/N:Before we start,let's just say we're still goin' with Taka's pov but i changed some speech sign so here it is:

"normal speaking" 'Speaking in mind'

Ok just that.Now on to the STORY!!!

Location Unknown

I woke up in some....bedroom,someone's bedroom.'Wait...this is Ringo's home's bedroom,what happends yesterday?' i asked the question in my head.Then headache came into my head and remembered what happends yesterday before i'm here.

Flashback No Jutsu

"The winner for this year is......THE KING!!!"The announcer well...announced the winner of this year's fight.Then suddenly my sight becoming blurry and hard to see like i need a glasses to see clearly...then my body fell down as i heard someone shouting my name "Taka" and "Newbie".I guess they're worried about me like c'mon,who doesn't worry about a teammate who just collapsed right on a ceremony?I heard another voice that sounds like....Ringo?"You guys stay here,i will bring him to my home and get him treated.Cya guys" and that's the last thing i heard..

Flashback No Justu Ended

"Oh...yea,i lost conscious (is that spelled right?) right after 'that incident' happends.I wonder if anybody here",I talked aloud to myselve,then suddenly,a sound can be heard from the door and the door opened revealing a relief face's of Ringo and sighed heavily.

"Pheew...i thought you're gonna dead buddy,you got me really worried there.",he actually spoke the truth and when i tried to stand,Ringo put his right arm into my chest as a sign to let me rest."Let me get you some clean and water and...chocolate cookies,cookies good for those who wake up after collapsing you know?",Ringo exclaimed happily while laughing to himself.He then walked out of the room and let the door open,if there was an assasin,i would be dead but naah..there's no assasin here.

I took a look around my surrounding to see that this room is a simple decorated room.Even though the House was build with brick,this room's floor is made from wood.A picture of him with someone i don't recognized between the door.A window that has white trim colour.And then,i just realized that the bed i was in was a King Sized bed.'Holy Kam-,i mean Holy Kraken,who knows Ringo was really rich.After 8:50seconds,Ringo came in with the cookies and clean water he promised to bring it to me.Don't surprise,i am good at calculating and not the type to forgot counting.

"Yo buddy,here's the Angelic Chocolate Delicous Tast-",Ringo was cutoff by me.

"Dude,just give it to me,you really love cookies bro.",i explained my understanding to him while Ringo nodded his head with a wide smile.Creeeppyyyy.

"Here,go eat and rest well Taka.The King will give the reward of the match after you recovered from your exhaustion.",Ringo told me with another worried looking face he had on."You know what,i kinda like Ninja when i'm little you know,i was thinking they really cool.But when i turned to adult,i realized that Ninja will sacrifice their loved ones or not they would be the one killed by their master.",the word Ringo spoke to me formed a spear that stabbed through my heart as i shocked my eyes making Ringo confused at me."Why're you so shocked?I know you're not that kind of a ninja who sacrficed their loved ones so why with the shocked look?It look's like you done it once dude.",again another word that made me felt guilty of joining Kamuha and killing my Shishou without mercy.

Since my Right eye was the original one while the left is robotic thingy,my right eye formed a tear but i was glad that Ringo didn't saw it."'s nothing really Ringo,hehehe.",i laughed nervously and Ringo let out a chuckle.Glad he can be tricked easily.If not,who knows what will he think about me.

"Ok,alright see,i am gonna walk around and take some fresh air so,eat and rest well buddy,it sucks to celebrate without you.",Ringo told me that with a smile that somehow made me felt relief.But 40% of nervous of getting find out was still there.Ringo stood up and walked out of the room and waved his hand at me and i waved mine.

Ringo's POV

'Taka look's diffrent today when i told him about Ninja thingy,something is wrong with him i know it,but what?' i kept on thinking what may be the trouble going on Taka's mind."Guess i'll find out somehow,just you wait Taka.",I grinned to myselves while other look around me staring at me with a sweatdropped at their face."What?",i asked those who stared at me.

"'s nothing right guys?",the male with the long black that is until at his back said while others nodding nervously.Todays just be the weirdest thing i ever seen on my entire life.

"*sigh*,guess i will go to glaive place,wait that seems wrong.Um...ah yes,Adagio.He is the one who recruited Taka by the way.Ok then Ringo,to Adagio we go.",i exclaimed while keeping a grin on my face (Just think of Monkey D. Luffy..).

TimeSkip At Adagio's house.

I knocked at Adagio's door twice then i heard a 'come in',i then opened the door and walked in."Yo Adagio,there's something i would want to talk with you featuring on update how is Taka doing right now.",i explained the reason why i'm here.He replied with a simple nodded."Well,Taka has woke up and he is doing fine right now.I told him about Ninja then he have a serious shocked face.I wonder why,so you know anything?",I asked with an eyebrow raised at Adagio.The weird thing is now that Adagio has a shocked face like Taka does but not much like Taka.

"....I see,so you don't know of it yet.What i'm about to tell you is for his good so don't tell anybdy about this if not,Taka will feel really bad knowing that everyone knowing his secrets.",Adagio spoke to me with a serious tone while sweatdropping."When we were walking to the king's house,me and Taka spoke about our ownselves then Taka said "What i'm about to tell you is something that i felt bad for,so don't tell anybody about this a'ight?" after he said that,i nodded my head.Here's the story (A/N:NO FLASHBACK NO JUTSU).Before he went here and when he was little,he's training with his Dojo Master he called him Shishou,he trained with his Shishou until one fateful night happends.Some member of House Kamuha kidnapped Taka.",he paused for a bit as he took a sip of his coffee,i did the same."Where was i?Ah yes,then some of Taka's memories was removed,not removed just blocking something that reminded him unless he face to face someone on the memories.6 years later,Taka was sent on a mission.Taka accepted to a mission and completed it by killing him,after seeing what he did,his face shocked and let out a burst of tears forming on his eyes,what he did was:he killed his Shishou,the one he loved most.He then felt guilty and not wanting to return to House Kamuha.He ran and ran without break and made his way here.That's why when you said about Ninja killing their loved ones,he shocked,he will think that you know.",Adagio explained to me with a sad face.I was shocked to hear Taka's unbearable story.

'You know Taka...sometimes you better to tell some of your friends so they to can share your pain' i thoguth into my mind.For now,i felt bad for Taka now.Poor kid.

!End of Chapter!

Ok,that was hard to write lol,ok hope you guys also enjoy this one and sorry for the 10 days waiting for an update.If you want to know what's gonna happend in this story pm me at gmail which is syahmirulhafiz.Not gonna spoil,just what i'm planning with the story.Good Hero or Bad Hero books will not having any chapter (excluding the A/N).I will write some chapter after i'm done with this,sorry AQW players.Peace guys,da da.

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