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( Bill-Dipper's POV )

Being possessed by Bill is a weird feeling, I can tell you that. It kind of feels like someone blew up a ton of helium balloons in your brain, and you've gone half blind. You're still there, but you can't control your movements or senses, it's kinda like being a ghost, except you can feel pain. I think I can mentally comm-Yes Pine Tree, we can communicate mentally. One of the reasons I wanted to posses you. Your mind is interesting, all Ford does is tell me to get out. Well, I guess that answers my question, Bill and I can communicate mentally. This will be interesting. "Hey Pine Tree?!" Bill interrupted my thinking. "What Bill" I thought back to him. It was silent for a moment, but then Bill said, "Why are you narrating a story Pine Tree?" And that's when I stopped narrating in front of him. Well actually, soon after that, I found a way to block him out, but he really didn't like that. He said some stuff like: "Captain Pine Tree!!!? Come in!!" "Oh shoot, did I really hurt him?" "Pine Tree we can get ice creammm~" And some other very not Bill-like phrases. I finally quit blocking him out for a moment to ask him to shut up, and then my ghostish mind became silent.

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