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A wagon is what he brings them to, he tells them he is going to bring them into the woods, to meet this Farley.

Artisan gets into the wagons front seat and wait for the girls to sit inside.

Laia looks at the wagon, "I don't know now Del. This is certainly dangerous. We can be getting ourselves into hell. They might be the ones who did the bombing in-" her voice cracks and you can hear her sadness cries "- inside the capital. Where our saviors are."

Del looks at her unbelievably shocked at what Laia is saying. Why is Laia switching what she wants around. She has never looked up to those, silvers as saviors never have she even cared a tad bit about the bombing inside of the capital. She didn't really even help Del mourn over her grandfather's death.

"Laia! You can't be joking around now this is serious. I am serious! You chose for this to happen. Are you kidding me? We made it this far we, you cant stop now"

Del can feel Artisan looking back, he gets comfortable in his seat as if he knows that the girls won't really go anymore, he begins to adjust his legs and he looks back and watches them argue.

"Del, I think I'm over this."

"Laia! It just started. You can't be giving up now. This is serious, I - come on Laia please. Why are you acting like this."

"Delilah! You can not be thinking about leaving. Conscription is how we protect the rest of our reds. I don't want to leave anymore. We need to protect our families, our people. And most of all, the silvers."

Del looks at her and shakes her head, "You're scared. You don't feel that way about them The silvers, they are powerful they can protect themselves." I've seen myself so gone, confused, but in this case it Laia and I don't know why, I am beginning to feel scared now, I cant feel scared not being so vulnerable, a vulnerable red blood with a silvers power. She needs me to step up and show her the truth, show her how brainwashed she is. Reveal what I am. Reveal who I am.

Laia motions away from Del and gets into the wagon. Silently she closes the door and looks forward towards Artisan.

Del follows right after her and gets into the seat closing the door behind her as well. "Sorry." Del looks out the window and into the cracked pavement, she bites tongue and squeezes her eyes shut in pain. Would grandfather be proud of me for leaving? Or would he be proud of me for helping, for changing.

Artisan doesn't ask any questions, he continues on driving the wagon into the woods, the afternoon sky quickly becomes a night sky and stars are brightening them selves. The gods above are shining there light, shining there light for Del to believe.

Laia sits in her seat begins to shake her leg and tap her foot at a repeated anxious pattern. She looks out the window and into the woods.

Artisan looks back and to Laia, "Are you okay? Are both of you fine?"

No one answers.

The wagon begins to slow down and steady itself on a rocky path, as it slows down Del sees a flash of memory pass her eyes.

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