The wedding date

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"ya Allah . If I am to fall in love, let me touch the heart of someone whose heart is attached to you! ."
Nikah is one of the most beautiful thing which opens the halal path and closes the haram path for men and women. This is why its a great virtue In Islam to do Nikah (wedding). This is a great Sunnah of our beloved Rasool S.A.W.
"assalamualikum mamma!!mabroook maaaaa! !!!marz bhai is officially engaged !!", I exclaimed and hugged her once I reached home from the hotel.

"walikum Salam humairaa! I know he is getting married to your bestie!but stop swirling around sweetheart and stop jumping ,please act like a girl for Allah's sake your going to get married soon. what if I record this and post it to zayed?"

when mama teased me ,I realised I was so excited about this proposal that I forgot to convey this news to zee. I stopped jumping ,adjusted my dress and gave a broad smile to mom and rushed to my room to text zee.
when I opened watsapp there was already a message from zee asking what happened at the hotel.

assalamualikum zee...alhamdulilla everything went well and my cousin and bestie are going to get married!!!-humaira

walikum Salam ..woah!!That's nice alhamdulillah and mabroook baby!your bestie is coming home must be really happy right?-zee

Did he just call me baby?I don't like people calling names when each individual is blessed with a beautiful name which is their true identity. In this case, I didn't find it too cliché or anything. In fact I had butterflies fluttering in my tummy when he called me baby. I completely forgot the conversation we were having and was just staring at that word and kept reading it again and again .okay now shhhhhhhhh! !back to watsapp.

yes. I am sooo excited about the whole wedding. three weddings in a row zee!!I mean my aunt doesn't believe in extravagance as it is not entertained in Islam ,so there won't be a formal engagement . they'll directly keep the wedding .-humaira

oh okay. But did they come up with a date yet?I mean any idea when is it going to be?-zee

Ummm!! I am not sure .may be within 6 months in sha Allah -humaira

In sha Allah! we will have a formal engagement right?because my mom is very keen on keeping an engagement ceremony.-zee

well , to be very honest I don't like this concept of engagement because it's extravagance .But I would rather prefer our elders taking a call on it .let's see what they decide.:)-humaira

yeah okay. Did you receive the rose?:p-zee

yes I did !jazakallah khairan. mum gave it to me when I returned from the hotel. she said she found it in the letter box .:p did you drop it there?-humaira

haha! That's upto you , think who can possibly drop it there. you will find it every evening when you return from college. -zee

oh my Allah! !save me !!I am falling for him . asthagfirullah I am not liking the bond we are getting into before our nikah. Allah has been so kind in infusing all the tiny little qualities I ever wanted in my husband like these sweet surprises and thoughtful gestures.

humaira? slept?-zee

Ummm no..not at all....lost in thoughts. I was just thinking we could get the nikah done asap .
I mean though we are engaged you will be my mahrem only after nikah. so all what we are doing is haraam. I want to get rid of all this sins . I hope you understand my point zee.-humaira

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