First date

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This chapter is dedicated to faithnfiya and sabilasaba as I promised I'd dedicate it to the ones who'd suggest the best idea.

humaira's pov:

The blazing sun kissed my face , causing me to wake up and my lips curved to twitch a smile.

I was in my same old bed, curled under my favourite blanket in the most familiar place of my small world - My Bedroom; yet everything was so different. I am not single anymore. I completed half my Deen. I am married for the sake of Allah .
whatttt? ??I'm married?Hell yeah !! I can't believe I'm married.I'll just go and prepare something special for him.

Oh wait!I need to check on him .!!I'll just call and see if he is awake.

zee's pov:

I have a lot to be done in such a short span of time. I'll take her out on a date. Should I tell her?or surprise?
The latter sounds great and something I love doing. May be I'd just ask her to be ready this evening for a casual outing - May be going to the beach, but there I'd plan something for her.

How do I surprise her!!!think zee ! think! uhuh!!!I have a plan. But I need to get started right away!

*ring* *ring*
the caller Id read humaira! I am totally in love with the name , so I saved it as it is. smart right?

"Assalamualikum sunshine"

" walikum salam zee, good morning!!", she greeted with a husky morning voice sounding adorable as ever. The way she spoke, clearly stated she is still Sprawled on her bed.

" Good morning my love! How is my angel doing today?"

" Hehe ..Alhamdulilla. I'm doing great."

"Alhamdulilla. Do you have any plans for the day?"

" uh -no! I'm free. what about you?"

"I may be a little busy during the day , but we can go out somewhere in the evening. cool?"

"yeah okay. where are we going though?"

"Let's go to the beach? From there we'd probably go out for dinner."

" wokayyysss! !!sounds awesome"

"haha! will see you then take care
Assalamualikum "

" walikum salam"

Ahhhh let's not unwind the surprise now! Beach is just a teeny weeny part of the surprise .
Get to work zayed. This is your first date and you better make it special.

Humaira's pov:

" walikum salam"

I was relieved that I got time till evening. I'll prepare his all time favourite lasagne, beef steak with mashed potatoes and cheese, strawberry smoothie and red velvet cupcakes .

He thinks he'd take me out for dinner, but little does he know that his favourite dishes are awaiting him tonight.

I hope it turns out to be tasty by the will of Allah.

-----few hours later----

I just checked if I had missed out anything for the tenth time because I really didn't want anything to go wrong this evening.

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