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Days ,weeks and even months had passed after zayed's reports turned out to be positive for TB . Of course things were not as smooth ,I tried my best to mask a smile and cheer him up BUT I'd failed miserably.

I found my peace in the Qur'an ,as I read the tafseer(translation ) and tried to comprehend the words of My Creator. It made a great an impact to my life ,my perspectives and of course ,my way of living. I never pitied or sympathised my husbands state because you never know when and where and what kind of death Allah has written for me.

I get people often coming to console me as" it's not even a year to your marriage and you to face all of this" kinda crap . So what? I have accepted it gracefully and it's okay . By the grace of the Almighty ,zee was responding to the antibiotics ,he was getting better and in sha Allah he will be fit and fine in no time.

I took a break from classes cuz he needs me. I thought I'd write the exams directly try to clear it .

It had become a routine now that every evening , I would go along with zee to the terrace to get some fresh air at the same time sip on our tea.

"zee?shall we go,?", I asked wearing the most pleasant smile I possibly could .

"yep !let's go real slow",he replied with a smirk for his awful P.J to which I rolled my eyes ,nevertheless giving in .

"and feel the blow"

"I love how your cheeks glow "

"cmon just stop the flow!", trailed off and  we both hi-5'd each other . I couldn't take my eyes off him when he laughed . I mean yes ,he is that typical cliché ,filmy ,husband but I couldn't help but stare at how gorgeous he looked when he laughed ,accepting the fact that it had reduced a lot lately .

"eyy hello? I know you have a handsome hunk as your husband!",he snapped bringing me bak to reality as I waved my hand and rolled my eyes.

we went to the terrace with a cup of tea and sat by the stairs. As we sipped quietly ,the silence was interrupted by a Eagle which just swooped inches from above us .

"woah !that was close",he sighed and got up to go near the parapet.

He rested his arms on the grill leaning and staring into the distance . I followed him and took the same stance .

"babe?",he called without shifting his gaze .


"you don't deserve this!",he replied as his eyes started tearing up.

"Not again zayed . How man",I was cut off he quieted me.

"listen humaira , you are a pretty ,intelligent ,sweet and loving girl who is just 20 years old with a almost complete engineering degree in hand .You have a really bright future "

"Okay that's enough zee!!!you haven't seen my future ,have you?Nor have I seen yours .It's planned already by the Creator in the most perfect way possible. You never know if you'll be perfectly fine tomorrow or I'd be meeting with an accident .",I replied as I started panting due to the intensity with which I told .

I looked at zee who was staring at me as his tears started rolling down his cheeks which wouldn't stop .

"why'd you say you will meet with an accident?"

"it's just an instance "

"Don't give such dreadful instances "

"I'm sorry ,it's my was involuntary or just the slip of my tongue .I didn't mean to okay?"

"Don't ever say that again", he ordered with fierce hurt in his eyes.

"look zee,I don't know what tomorrow holds okay?I know shouldn't be saying all this but I just want you to know that if ,I repeat IF something happens to me in the near future then please don't give up on life okay?Be happy and don't be a cranky baby like you just were a few minutes ago. I know it's hard to imagine a life without you or vice versa but sometimes you need to accept the fact and move on "

"humaira I am not a violent husband ,forget actions not even by words but today I have a feeling you will get a whack from me if you don't stop talking crap " , he almost shouted .

In a normal situation,I would have got really scared but getting a whack from zee was just too funny to even imagine. I couldn't help but laugh at his outburst raging his anger all the more.

"Humairaa !!I'm serious"

"Okay baba I'm sorry ",I'm replied and held his arm as I rested my head on his shoulders making sure nobody was watching us.

"You better be",he replied in the affirmative.

"you know samaira has rightly given you the nickname pataachaara?",he asked . Yes ,she calls me pataachaara because ,I sometimes over think and act depressed or atleast speak like one.

"Excuse me?"

"Not excused my cutie pie. I'm serious you've been relating to death with each passing comment of mine today"

"It's a good thing you know?It makes you realise that we are all doomed to die one day and it can be anytime "


"hahaha hahahaha I'm sorry . Let's go ,it's time for maghreb salah",I replied.

After offering our salah  ,we had dinner. And since his tablets got over we had to buy a new strip.

"We need to go to the medicals", I reminded him.

"oh yes I completely forgot about that"

"shall we go?"

"Umm okay, but I'll drive today, okay?", he asked because I have been driving him to his regular check ups these days .

"wokay and we'll have I've cream from pabbas"

"Done ", he replied with a grin and off we went.

When we reached the medicals ,there was no parking at all . It was the highway and the tablet was rather rare to be found in other medicals .

"I'll go get it ,you stay here okay? cuz you can take a U turn by the time I take the tablets .", I suggested and he agreed to it.

"careful "

"I'm not a kid zayed?",I rolled my eyes as I got off the car . As I stood on the  divider crossing one part, I realised I forgot the prescription in the car. I  turned around to catch his attention .

As I saw zayed ,I saw his petrified expression shrieking the hell out of him asking me to do something .
Of course I didn't understand what he tried to say ,he started doing some hand gestures and he got down from the car as I turned around to see what  was he saying .

A bike out of nowhere hit my leg with full force ,losing my balance I fell on the road as my head hit the divider really hard and everything in front of me went blurred as I could hear one voice that echoed
"Humaira don't close your eyes."

I tried my best to keep open my eyes but every inch in my body felt like it's losing it's life I tried to just open as much as I could.

I found myself in zayed's arms as he calling my name again and again and then everything went blank.

Author's Note:
Assalamualikum readers,
I know I am not that great at frequent updates but I'm sorry and this story is just roughly 2 cheaters away from being completed I'll try to finish it off okay?I hope you'll liked the chapter .

looking forward to read your comments .:p

keep wattpading:*

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