In zee's pov

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zee's pov:

I followed jaafar to meet humaira. As I was almost there, I could here fits of laughter, teasing and banters from inside.

"That must be samaira .She never leaves a chance to tease mairuu",said jaafar with a smile. I could smell something fishy! !The way he spoke about samaira was as if he really admired her. I didn't go to enquire much and brushed off unnecessary thoughts.

"Here you go jeej!!I have to go arrange the table for dinner. I hope you'll manage from here"

"yeah sure !!", I assured with a smile as jaafar left. The door was wide open and as I stood there,

"oh please! he does not have any
..", she bit her tongue as she saw me standing there. with that reaction , everyone turned towards the direction she was looking and found me standing , so they giggled and left the place in no time.

she looked like an angel. She is mine!!All mine.

she wore a light pink full sleeved Indo western gown . she had her hair pinned into a bun with fringes left open in the front. she looked stunning and adorable .I was shocked to see her blushing, because I know her for quite some time now over the phone and by texting.  she is not the kind who'd blush and feel shy.

I'm pleasantly surprised looking at the effect I had on her. I guess she really loved her sandals , cuz she never took her eyes off that.

This nikah took place instead of an engagement,  so I have taken a  ring for her. The mehr I gave her , was handed over to her by my mom. But atleast I wanted to slide this ring on her finger.

I checked if I had the ring with me and stepped closer as I saw her stiffen at my approach.

as explained in the earlier chapter-:p)

As she muttered I love you too and rested her head on my chest , my heart beat sped up at a high rate. we remained like that for what seemed like forever.

"I have a surprise for you", I said as she looked up with sheer excitement.

I removed the box and handed it to her. She opened the box to find it empty . she looked at me with a poker face.

"you'd be the first husband who would play such pranks on the first day of marriage. ", she said as she looked away.

"Awwww!!someone is hurt!!"

"I'm not!"

" I never said that 'someone' is you!!"


"Mahnnn! !!you were better off blushing!!!is there any way you can go back to that mode?"

"Yeah right!like I'm some kind of a doll that I'll switch modes according to your wish", she said turning away from me and walking a few steps to stand near the dressing table pretending to adjust her jewellery.

I went closer to her wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder. She squirmed at first but as I tightened my grip she just stood still.

"sweetheart,  look up", I said with a gentle tone.


I lifted her chin up and made her look into the mirror. she kinda blushed looking at the way my arms were  wrapped around her waist.

"You are a doll!!!MY doll and no person can deny that fact. okay?", I said as I turned her to face me and directly slid the ring on her finger. The size was perfect. I mentally tapped my shoulder for doing a great job.

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