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"What is destined will reach you, even if it is underneath two mountains. What is not destined, will not reach you, even if it is in between your two lips! "

After the whole turn of events that took place ,I went to offer my Isha prayers, while I was still on the prayer mat ,supplicating, something struck me. I immediately called umma.

"Assalamualikum humaira dear"

"walikum salam umma. How are you?"

"alhamdulilla. I was playing with amaan (amaan is zee's nephew ). "
I could hear another cute voice in the background.

umma, whose on the phone?

it's ur chachi(uncles wife) ,amaan. you want to talk?

thaaathiiii????yes I wanth thu thalk

He sounded sooo adorable and zee had once told me that amaan was a die hard spiderman fan.

"helooooo thaaathiiii? "

"Hehe yes amaan . what are you doing?"

"thalkin thu you"

"hahahaha!Do you want to meet spiderman amaan?"

"yessssss! I wanth thu tll him that I love him"

"Awwwww!!!he loves you too amaan"

"Did he thell you that thaaathiiii? "

"yes amaan. I will ask him to meet you soon. can you please hand over the phone to umma?"

"yaaayyyyy! !I love you thaaathiiii "

"love you more sweetheart "

umma thaaathiiii will thell spiderman thu Meeth me

Amaan was so excited to meet spiderman . I have seriously no idea how would this be possible. may be I should meet him in spidermans disguise.

"humaira? you have taken a difficult challenge by promising him that. He will ask you everytime he meets you now."

"Hehe. yes umma, I know. "

" Is there anything you want to share ?"

"Actually yes . Ummm, the thing is"

" yes go on. Feel free to tell me"

"umma it's regarding the nikah"

" okay, explain "

"I was thinking we could keep a nikah instead of an engagement ceremony as it is not entertained in Islam. "

"I am not telling engagement is a must, we can cancel it. But you don't know the consequences of sudden plans in nikah, people will blame you and zayed . we could directly keep the wedding dear. I am okay with that too. I don't like the concept of nikah and the reception after 6 months. We have no rights to separate you'll after nikah, you'll must stay together under one roof after nikah. "

" umma , I understand your point and it is valid too. But wedding preparation in sucha short span of time? we hardly have a month left . I am just saying because we stay close by, and obviously they'll be a sudden urge to meet or just casually talk ,then it's completely legal after the nikah right? it will be halal. umma, I am just keeping my thoughts as I felt I had to. The decision is in your hands . I would never speak if it was someone else, but you have given me the comfort zone , that I can share my thoughts without hesitating . "

" I will think about it sweetheart. Let's see what Allah has planned. Did you have dinner?Zayed told me your dieting"

"uh yes. I thought I'd shed few pounds before the D-day"

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