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"Ammiii",I called zayed's mom from our room.

The sound was loud enough to wake him up from his sleep .

"Gawddddd humaira why are you yelling?"


"shhhhhhhhhh!!!I am not deaf humi! calm down."

"huh?calm down?you expect me to calm down?"

"offooo! what happened humaira ?"

"Ammi get has fever", I whispered in a hush tone.

"so why are you speaking so softly?"

"Because zayed might get disturbed if I speak loudly"

"yeah right !you realize that after you woke me up from sleep"


"it's okay I have a very bad head ache so I need some rest . please?"

"yeah okay. take some rest and we'll see if you need to consult the doc ",said ammi as she left the room shutting the door behind her.

I was still not able to digest the fact that ammi and zee are so cool about him having such high temperature.

I opened my prayer mat and started offering my prayers and continued reading the Qur'an for a while.

I sat next to zee and started chanting zikr while checking on his temperature . It was still high. I switched off the fan and put a blanket over him so that he'd sweat and the fever would slightly reduce with that.

I started playing with his hair and which caused him to stir a little .He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Not really",He replied as he held my hand which I had placed on his forehead and kissed the back of my palm.

"You have exams tomorrow . Go study jaan. I'll be fine"

"I really don't understand why aren't you consulting the doc when the temperature is so high"

"You never got fever?"

"what kind of a question is that?I get every month or alternate month . Didn't you see?"

"oh haha! Our normal body temperature is 98 degree C humi so 99 is barely called fever . Moreover you get throat infection which causes the light temperature. "

"yeah whatever but the point is let's go consult the doc"

"I have been diagnosed with typhoid ,malaria ,dengue and jaundice last consecutive years so this isn't a big deal "

No wonder ammi didn't even flinch checking his temperature . I would have rushed to the hospital by now. Alhamdulilla ya rabb for keeping me away from such dreadful disease .

"I won't force you for anything but I'd rather suggest that it's always better to consult the doc. Now eat something "

"I'm fasting humaira"

"now don't tell me you'll be fasting the whole day"

"of course I will"

"oh my Allah!why?Allah has ordained you to fast only if you are able to ,if you befall some illness then you have to fast on any other day . If you stay hungry you'll feel dizzy .I'll go get something to eat"

"huh! miss bossy wifey",he said looking outside the window.

"you sure got it right husbili baby",I teased sticking my tongue out.

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