3. What Jack Gets Up To Whilst Home Alone...

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A/N- I swear so often in this it's probably going to be made private whOOIPS I should really start putting dots in the middle of the words or something, please inform me if you aren't getting updates lmao.

Jack arrives to school slightly earlier the next day, and as he walks through the hallways he discovers that he is the talk of the school- well rather P. Weezy's tumblr post about him is.

Jack still has time before his first class, so he rushes round to the closest bathroom and locks himself behind one of the stalls, his black dress skirt flowing over the seat.

He takes out his phone and opens the Internet, going onto P. Weezy's tumblr page.

P. Weezy, 15, bisexual.
Meagan <3 <3 <3
So what if I'm emo get over it!
Don't like = Don't follow!
Rawr means I love you in dinosaur XD

OMG! Therez this new boy (at least I think hez a boy lol!) @ school and he wearz dressez! Like what boy doez that!? I don't even know hez name? Itz probably LOSER ha ha ha! Like hez birth certificate probably sayz LOSER on it XD (get it I'm saying hez a loser) So I waz made to sit next to the loser in the skirt in class yesterday and hez like so weird no wonder he haz no friendz LOL!   I know I wouldn't want to be friendz with him he probably doesn't even know any vampire animez smh.

Jack decides to stop reading there, mainly because of P. Weezy's horrendous English skills. Does that boy know the letter S exists? Also because it's insulting to him or something.

He stays in the bathroom upon hearing the bell ring, he really can't handle being in a classroom full of people right now. Especially whilst everyone is talking about him. He leans back and lets a tear fall.

He hasn't even been at this school for a whole week and he already hates it. The only positive thing that's happened to him was the encounter with the bloody-nosed boy in the bathrooms, but he hasn't gotten a proper chance to speak to him again. Heck, he doesn't even know his name! His only friend is his older sister. Not even anyone from his old town has bothered to contact him.

He's realising that he's totally alone.

Or is he?

He thought he was sitting crying in the stalls alone, but he can hear talking outside of the stall.
It sounds like a girl and a boy.

Jack decides it's probably just a couple making the most out of the unisex bathrooms, so he tries to stay quiet for them. Hearing some weird sobbing sounds is probably a turn off. Although there are a lot of people out there with some weird kinks...

After a minute or so, it goes completely silent. Jack decides the couple has left and he's safe to leave. He doesn't know where he'll go, he hardly even knows his way around the school.

He contemplates his options, then decides that sitting in the field behind the school would be an ideal place. He can get fresh air and calm down before his next class.

Although when he opens the door, the couple are still there.

A girl with shoulder-length brown hair is sitting on the sink counter, with bloody-nose boy next to her.

Both of them turn to look at Jack as he steps forward. Although they don't get a chance to say anything, because Jack takes one look at them and bolts.

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