4. I Stopped Watching Netflix To Update This Pls Be Grateful

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A/N- this is kind of a continuation from the last chapter, I just didn't put it all into the last chapter so it wasn't super long.
+you're getting this update earlier than I was planning so yay for you.

"Jack you really need to see a doctor," May states.

"Why?" Jack questions, running a hand through his messy hair.

"I think you have chronic masturbation syndrome."

"Is that even a thing?" Jack asks.

"It is now, I think you've invented it, to be honest." May replies.

"I'm a teenage boy, what do you expect!"

"I expect you to at least help me wash your sheets afterwards!" She exclaims, stretching across the bed and taking off the white (I mean it's white for more than one reason if you get what I'm saying) sheet.

"But I'm sick!" Jack whines, adding a cough for good measure. "If I'm not well enough to be at school then I'm not well enough to make a bed."

"You're an asshole, do you know that?" May jokes.

"I have been told," he shrugs. "Now bring me chocolate, servant!"


"Where'd loser in the dress go?" P. Weezy questions, he's hanging out in his super cool basement bedroom, because he's P. Weezy so he obviously has a cool basement bedroom.

P. Weezy has his own squad that, like, rule the school, it consists of-
Michael Way, who's cool nickname he was personally given by P. is Mikeyway.
Lyndsey Ballato, who's nickname is Lynz.
Elizabeth Hale, who's known as Lzzy.
Frank Iero, who's Frnk.
And P. Weezy's girlfriend, Meagan Camper, who doesn't actually have a cool nickname, because being known as P. Weezy's girlfriend makes you cool enough, so there's really no need for one.

"I don't know, he just wasn't in school today," Mikeyway shrugs.

"I heard he spent the entire day crying in the unisex bathrooms." Lynz adds. "Like, Ashley told me she went there at lunch to fuck Chris and they could hear him in the next cubicle. She still fucked him anyway, though."

"Yeah, he's meant to be in my bio class but he didn't show up," Meagan says.

"I mean everyone was talking about my post, but he didn't show up, do they, like, won't believe me, like what the hell?!" P. Weezy whines, because the only thing he cares about is the number of tumblr followers he has, which is currently about 735. His boyxboy vampire fan fictions are surprisingly popular with the emo tumblr community.

"But we believe you!" Meagan says, placing a hand on her boyfriend's shoulder.

"Ugh, Meagan, you just don't get it!" P. shrugs her hand off him. "I am the P. Weezy, I literally own the school, and the gay emo vampire tumblr community, I have to be well thought of."

"Well, just don't care what other people think!" Lzzy suggests.

"Ugh, you guys are useless," P. scoffs. "It's good that I'm running this, and you lot aren't. The whole social system would collapse with any of you in charge."

"Thanks, Pete." Lzzy mutters sarcastically.

"How many times do I have to tell you, it's P. Weezy!" He groans. "If we want to keep this squad going we have to stick with the cool nicknames I gave you all."

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