11. This Chapter Is Pretty Gay Too Actually

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A/N-This chapter is a continuation from the last.
There was no May Barakat in the last chapter that is very upsetting.
Basically the only reason I wrote this chapter is because I really liked that shopping trip idea.
I am again writing this while watching Oxford Street Revealed, I can't believe Davis didn't go to court omfg.

What do you think of my new username?

"Gerard, you won't believe what happened today!" Mikeyway practically pounces on his older brother when he arrives home from college.

"What happened, Mikey? Are you alright?" Gerard sounds concerned for his younger sibling.

"Yes, Gee, I'm good. Better than good actually, I'm amazing!" Mikeyway gushes.

"Let me guess, it's the P. Weezy dude again, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Mikeyway replies with admiration.

"What has he done today?" Gerard asks. "Did he buy you candy again?"

"No, brother, it was more than that. He fucking kissed me!"

"Mikey! That's great!" Gerard pulls his younger brother into a big hug. "When are you going on a date?!"

"Uh, I don't know," Mikeyway's good mood suddenly falters.
"We hadn't really talked about that sort of stuff, we literally just kissed."

"Well you could always ask him out on a date?" Gerard suggests.

"Brother no," Mikeyway shakes his head so much it looks as if it's about to fly off. "He's P. Weezy, I can't just do that!"

"Mikey, my sweet lil' bro, you've got to be more confident in yourself," Gerard speaks sincerely to his younger brother. "You can be the one to ask out this Weezy dude if you like him so much."

"That's the problem, Gee," Mikeyway sighs. "I have liked him for so long, and he's the coolest guy in the school, I can't just ask him out, I'm the quiet guy, that's my role in the squad!"

"Mikey, you can do it, you're a Way, we've got good genes, don't let me down!"


"Those are perfect!" Tay points at a pair of pink high heels. "Jack, they would match that first outfit from Justice SO well!"

"Tay, I can't walk in heels!" Jack informs her. Jack is probably the second clumsiest person in the world- behind Alex Gaskarth, of course. He has memories of a younger self attempting to walk in his mothers heels then falling down the stairs and having to get stitches.

"We can teach you!" Meagan adds, receiving a high-five from Tay. The ice cream seemed to have helped with cheering her up, the shopping therapy is probably helping to.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Jack voices his concern.

"Nonsense! You'll be fine!" Tay rolls her eyes at Jack's bonkers statement. "What's your shoe size?

"Uh, a 10?" Jack says, although it comes out as more of a question, because who actually knows their accurate shoe size?

"You know what they say about guys with big feet," Tay says to Alex with a nudge.

"Oh my god Tay, I'm not gay! Find some chill!"

"Hhm, the biggest size I can find here is like an eight..." Meagan announces after some rummaging.

"That'll do, take them!" Tay insists.

"But they won't fit!" Jack tries to speak up for his poor toes that are about to be crushed.

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