Chapter 8- Swallowed into a black void...

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"So we meet again."

"Unfortunately," I mumbled under my breath.

"I didn't quite catch what you said. Repeat your words Adria Backwell."

"Jeez, you're acting as though we're in a friking conference or something!"

I nodded to Christopher. We had discussed a plan on the way here. So far. So good. I had slightly distracted Jack.

Christopher shook his head and I pretended to look surprised. "Adria, whatever I said before was a lie, I only came here for my dad," even though it was all act, he still looked guilty and sorry but he quickly covered it with a smirk, "You've been fooled again stupid Adria." He set off after giving me a quick glance to assure me things were going to be fine.

I gaped and called, "Christopher!" I was on the verge of tears. Hopefully my acting skills were good enough. "F**k," I cursed under my breath. "F**k!" I screamed out loud shaking my fists. I looked up to see Jack tilting his head. Please say he bought our act.
Jack shook his head and gave a short laugh, "Even after jail, you still give in to people so easily. Wow Adria, I expected better. Whatever, it benefits me so I've got no reason to complain." I clenched my teeth.

Before, when I used to look at him, I'd get a rush of emotion I couldn't explain, my heart would swell. The love I gave to him was priceless and thinking back he gave me nothing. Nothing. So now, I'm more than happy to see that when I look at him I feel disgust, disgust and hatred burning with a whole load of anger. I'm not blind anymore and now Jack's been fooled. Not me, but Jack.

He thinks Christopher has betrayed me. He thinks there's no way for anyone to find me now but I still have hope and hope can be really powerful during dark times.

I took a small step towards him, I know my eyes had turned a different shade. How I wish the pupils of my piercing green eyes could become slits like a cats', that would tell Jack to back off before I pounce.

My 'pounce' was in the form of a harsh punch which was about to connect with Jack's stupid face before a strong grip grasped me from behind.
Jack smirked, "I saw that coming. I've brought my people. Remember Adria, I'm always a step ahead of you."
Not this time, I thought to myself.

A muscular arm held me tight while firmly pressing a cloth against my nose and mouth. It stank. The vapour made me feel dizzy. I was losing it. I tried to squirm out of his grasp but it was no use I was only getting weaker.

It seemed as though a weight pressed against my eyelids and forced them shut. I inhaled a sharp breath before I was swallowed into a black void...

Callum's POV

I pressed my ear against the door, my heart hammering against my chest. I felt a wave of nausea but I hadn't eaten anything in ages. Must be nerves.

"Oh she's still a hot girl I must say. It's a shame she cut off her hair and dyed it black but she's still got the long legs, the slim body. We can still use her." Jack's voice echoed in the empty room behind the door.

"We've got wigs a plenty." another voice boomed. A shiver ran down my spine. "You need to make sure she likes you again. Then only this will be possible." The other person continued.

"Oh James, she's never going to like me again."

"where's the manipulative Jack I know?" James questioned rhetorically, "It's easy Jack. Make up some story. Do something. She'll fall for it, Adria's like that."

I head Jack sigh before James continued, "This business is so close to being found out. We need her to assure the f**king police or whatever that there's nothing dodgy about this place."
"It's not the same. She's been to jail. That changes a lot." Jack replied.

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