Chapter 11-Idiotic me.

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"What was that for!?" I wasn't in the best of moods. Maybe it was because I hadn't seen Christopher in almost a week now or the fact that Callum and I's argument still left a bitter taste in my mouth or the fact that I was sitting in the dressing room crowded with other models wearing an extremely skimpy outfit and a pair of five inch heels.

"Oh I-I'm so s-sorry," I spun round to notice the girl who had bumped into me wide eyed and biting her lip as she looked at me in alarm .

I put a hand to my head and sighed, "No, I'm sorry for snapping. I'm just not with it today."

She nodded, "It's okay. You stressed for the show? Is it your first time? Haven't really seen you round." She took a seat beside me.

"No, it's not my first time actually. I've been in many shows like this but that was a long time ago. My name's Adria by the way."

She smiled, "Pretty name, I'm Stephanie." We talked for a while which calmed me down a bit before we had to do our last makeup touches.

I always get a slight buzz when walking up the runway with everyone looking your way and eagerly waiting to glimpse the outfits we wear with all the focus on us and flashing cameras everywhere. It's an incredible experience but it was different this time. I wasn't the blonde, naïve teenager anymore, I was a more mature teenager who wished she could just be at home in her pyjamas. I was an odd one out now. Not the girl who would blend in. I stood out and I was still figuring out if I liked that or not.

After checking in the C's hideout for about the hundredth time this week, I slumped on the sofa. Yes, I had furniture in my dorm now which was a relief. I sighed, tilting my head back as I glimpsed Jack entering the room with a smile. I smiled back.

"You looked stunning on that runway."

I shrugged, "Thanks?"

"Why a question?"

"I dunno, I guess-"

The sound of banging against the floorboards made me stop breathing for a second. I felt like banging my head against a wall a couple of hundred times! It just had to be now when Callum decides to come along! Jack furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ugh it's the stupid bar banging against the window again. I'll sort it out," I quickly lied and heaved myself up in annoyance praying that he wouldn't followed me. Well, turns out it just wasn't my day today. "I'll come with you." I almost groaned in frustration and shouted every curse word before doing a silent mantra in my head to calm myself down. I needed to think of something. Fast.

We started walking to the room in a deadly silence with the only noise of the constant banging.

I abruptly swivelled around facing Jack and shrieked while he looked at me wide eyed, "Oh my God, Jack!" I exclaimed pointing to a crease on Jack's trouser. "What?" he questioned back. I took a step closer and inspected the crease before tilting my head back in relief, "Ohh, it's just a crease." I started laughing, "I thought it was a f**king huge spider. Wow I really am paranoid."

I crossed my fingers that Callum would have heard me exclaim 'Jack' and get the point from that little act of mine.

Jack looked at me with a weird expression and shook his head, "You never fail to amuse me."

I shrugged, "It's been a long day." The banging had stopped. We entered the room. I inspected the window for a bit and adjusted the bar while Jack slid his eyes around the room with his arms folded. I eyed the floorboard for a brief second. It didn't look suspiciously loose to me and if I hadn't memorised exactly where that 'special' floorboard was, in the room, I wouldn't have even taken a second glance because it looked exactly the same as every other floorboard. Well that's what I thought.

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