Chapter 13- Gunshot

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Dedicated to marialambrou (the bïtch who gets on my last nerve in maths) Jks lyl

My mouth hung open as Christopher inhaled a sharp breath.

"Jack's here?" I asked.

"She called Jack 'son' too?" Christopher added on, aghast.

Rosie clenched her teeth, "Yes! And now it would really help if you guys get your a*ses to the main entrance and we get the hell out of here. We'll meet you there." She gave a concerned look at Callum who was staring into space, pale,and shot off dragging him along with her.

I swivelled around facing Christopher, "Um stay around this area. I'll-I'll um get out." Why was I stuttering? I quickly started skating to the exit however I made sure that I wasn't attracting attention. Thoughts were whizzing through my head about the kiss. Was it a mistake? Was he actually joking when he said all he wanted was a kiss? Did he feel the same way I did? My feelings were scaring the hell out of me. Sure I've been 'in love' before but it wasn't like this. Will things be awkward between us? But more importantly how am I going to get through each day without seeing him, touching him and just having his warm presence beside me?

I was so close to the exit, shifting my attention to getting out of here before someone clutched my arm. I closed my eyes, not wanting to turn around. I felt my heart beat ten times faster and I gritted my teeth dreading what I was about to face. I was recognisable from the back. He had to know it was me. I couldn't pretend he'd clutched a random person and go off. I couldn't do anything. What was I going to say? What excuse was I going to make? I just hoped my friends would have left without me. At least they would be safe. I took a deep breath turning around as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Pardon!" The stranger said in French, "I am so sorry," he added on in a thick French accent. "I was about to um fall so I held your arm," he said sheepishly as relief flooded into me as it wasn't Jack, "don't worry, it's absolutely fine," I replied. He smiled back, nodded and held onto the surrounding wall.

I hurried out, returning the skating shoes and slipping on my own ones. I sprinted towards the exit and thankfully I saw the rest there, stress written across their faces. "I'm here," I managed to let out between heavy breaths. Rosie was still gripping Callum's hand.

Rosie nodded and we set off. We were just about to leave the main entrance when something stopped me in my tracks. I stared like a deer caught in headlights.

There, a couple of feet away, was Lucy Gallagher. I was so Happy to see her. But she wasn't alone. Standing beside her was Ella Hart. The girl I thought she despised. The girl I thought was her bully. The girl who I had developed a huge disliking towards.

To top things off they were holding hands and laughing. I was happy to see Lucy but what the hell? Ella Hart? I blinked a couple of times thinking my eyes were deceiving me but each time the same image stayed right in front of my eyes.

My thoughts were disrupted by sparks which jolted up my skin and a swarm of butterflies entered my stomach. This boy. He's going to be the death of me.

I whipped my head round staring into the emerald jewels which sparkled in concern. "You alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah sorry I was just um tired so I just kinda stopped to catch my breath."

Christopher sighed, "I don't like it when you lie to me Adria."

He could read me like a book. Scary but amazing at the same time. "Ok ok I'm sorry, I'll tell you later. We just really need to get out of here." He nodded and we caught up with the other two.

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