Chapter 4

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~*Ellie's POV*~

I've been getting closer with everyone in the house lately. I feel like we're a family. I've been in the guys' videos for challenges and just playing Minecraft with Mitch teaching me. Lachlan and I went on a date. Literally everything that could've gone wrong went wrong. We ended up getting stuck a mile from the house in the pouring rain with our phones dead. But we made the best of it. We ran out of the car without jackets and just chased each other and played hide and seek. When he caught me the last time, we danced; slow and sweet, gazing into each other's eyes. That corny stuff. We kissed again, for the second time, before I instigated a race home. We got in and had the car towed back.

Today was Arcadiacon, meaning Lachlan and Vikk were only here for 3 more days and 2 more nights. 2 more of their friends would be there and they were doing a Pack panel. I'd be meeting a couple of their girlfriends too. I rode in the car with Mitch driving and Lachlan in the back with me. We were on our way to get Mitch's girlfriend Jess from her house. Lachlan reached his hand over slowly and lightly took mine, rubbing his thumb across it. I smiled at the gesture. Mitch stopped in front of a small white house and a tall, tan girl with long brown hair came out and locked the door. She was really pretty. Mitch introduced me to her when she got in.

The ride there was long and uninteresting. We got there at 12pm. The guys were out front signing things and taking pictures with fans. The guys went over but I kind of just floated back. I sat on one of the little walls near by and just observed and smiled at the excited fans. After the crowd mostly dissipated, Lachlan looked around for me. When his eyes landed, his face loosened from concentration and he just smiled and waved. I returned it. It's so weird. Out of all my relationships, I've never had anyone look at me the way he does. When everyone outside was in, he came over as the rest of the guys went in to their panels, I assume. He walked between my legs as I was still sitting. We were at the same height now. He was smiling so wide. He gently placed his hands on my hips. I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful Aussie. He leaned in to kiss me and I leaned back, but turned my face at the last second so he kissed my cheek.
"You cheeky little-..." He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed and laughed.
"Put me down, you goon!" I yelled. People were staring and laughing. Haha so funny. A little 5 foot tall 19 year old getting carried around by a 6 foot 5 20 year old. Ugh. But it beats getting lost in the crowds. Some fans tried to crowd him but he swerved through it and made it back stage before he put me down. "What the hell was that?" I laughed. He shrugged.
"We were late." He said. He took my hand and led me out to the stage.
"Wait. Why are you taking me?" I asked. He didn't answer. I could feel my anxiety build up but I tried to ignore it. There were 9 chairs set up for the guys, me, and Jerome and Mitch's girlfriends. I sat between Lachlan and Vik after meeting Preston and Rob quickly. Most of the time I looked down at my hands and played with my fingers. While Mitch was talking about new things on his channel, Lachlan reached down and took my hand again, squeezing it once gently, for comfort. I relaxed and smiled a bit. When it was time for questions, a whole line of people rushed to the mic.
"This one is for Ellie and Lachlan. When is Ellan gonna be cannon?" She asked. A bunch of fangirls cheered and clapped. I was in shock. I never realized how many people actually shipped me and Lachlan. Or how many even care about me for that matter.
"Well I'm hoping soon. I'm waiting on this one." Lachlan stated and he jerked his head in my direction. I just blushed and looked down.

After the panel, Lachlan took me around the floor and taught me how to play the good games. I caught on pretty quick. We played against each other in a couple games and I beat him

There was one game where he didn't show me how to play and just put in a match between us. He did a little celebration when he won.

"No fair! I didn't know what I was doing!" I whined and crossed my arms. He spit his tongue out at me. "You're the poorest of all sports." I said. He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked away and kissed my head.


We got home fairly late. The girls were staying the night. The guys stayed up to have a drink but I was too tired. I showered quickly and lay in bed. As I was half asleep, the light that was coming in from the kitchen into my room was dimmed. I turned my head to see Lachlan at the doorway.
"Hey." I said tiredly. He came over smiling and half sat on my side. He looked at me and pushed a piece of still-wet hair behind my ear. He leaned down and kissed my temple.
"Good night." He whispered.
"Night." I replied. I closed my eyes and went to bed.


The last 2 days of Arcadiacon were uneventful. The guys met more fans and I learned how to play more games. But we had to leave early on the last day so Vik and Lachlan didn't miss their flights. Each flight was at the same boarding time and on opposite sides of the airport, so I went alone with Lachlan. With every step I took, memories of the past 2 weeks flooded my mind. When we reached the gate, we had 10 minutes until boarding time. We just stood. He stroked my cheek and I teared up. We kissed on and off for the last 5 minutes. When they were calling, I insisted on walking right up to the gate with him. We waited in line together. Holding hands. It was his turn. We got to gate and I hugged him for the last time as tight as I could, to make up for the times I can't. And I kissed him, long and sweet, for the nights I wouldn't be there with him. I kissed him until his final step into the gate. I sat on one of the seats and cried. As the gate was being shut, I got a text
Until next time, princess (: <3
I smiled through my tears.
"Until next time."

Agh sad tings. I hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry updates are slow. You'll understand when you're a junior.. <3

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