Chapter 8

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(Ellie's POV until further notice c: )

It was a nice morning the next day, so we all decided to head down to the park. The guys played some soccer and Lachlan and I sat on a bench just watching, since he didn't feel good from his hangover.
"So you had fun last night." I looked at him. He looked back and rested his elbow on the back of the bench, rubbing his temple.
"If you wanna call throwing up every half hour fun, then I had loads." He replied. I smiled.
"Your fault, Power."
"Yeah, yeah." It was quiet, minus the noise of the guys and children on the playground near by. "So... That question still stands." He said.
"Which one?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, taking my hands and looking into my eyes. I smiled.
"Yes, Lachlan. I would love to be your girlfriend."
"Finally!" He said with relief. "What took you so long?"
"You never asked." I giggled and he blushed before kissing me sweetly. When we pulled away, he held me in his arms and rested his head on mine. I could get used to this one...


3 weeks later

I stepped out if the shower with the towel around me, squeezing out the excess water from my hair. I put on the PJs that Ryan gave me and threw my hair up. Before I left the bathroom, I heard the guys talking seriously.
"I really think I should do it, guys. I love her so much, it's insane." I heard Lachlan say. My heart jumped a bit.
"I don't know man. That's a really big move for you. Are you willing to only see your family on vacations?" Mitch asked.
"I'm willing to do anything just to keep her with me. I can't break her heart again when I leave." Lachlan replied.
"Man, this is your nationalty. I mean, you'll always be our Aussie but..." Jerome started.
"I've been thinking about this for a while guys. Since I went home for ArcadiaCon."
"We just want you to be sure this is what you want." Ryan said.
"It is. I've never wanted anything more." Lachlan replied. After a few moments of whispering that I couldn't quite make out, and them starting another conversation about videos, I stepped out of the bathroom and snuck into my room. Lachlan saw me and followed me.
"Ellie. I've gotta talk to you about something." I smiled.
"Sure, honey. What is it?" He sat down on the bed, holding my hands. I sat next to him. He was about to say something, but cut himself off and just smiled at me with his gorgeous everything. He tucked a hair behind my ear and stroked my cheek on the way back down. I smiled wider.
"What is it?" I asked. I scootched closer so I could cuddle up to him.
"I, um... I want to become a U.S. citizen." He said nervously. I looked at him in shock.
"Lachlan why?" He pulled me in tighter.
"Because I love you so much, Elliot. I can't stand to see you hurt again when I leave. I can't stand another day without you. You're my whole world and I... I love you, dammit." I teared up and smiled.
"I love you too Lachy." I lightly tackled him in a hug and cried a little and cuddled on his chest. He held me tight, stroking my hair. "You're sure this is what you want?" I asked.
"More than anything." He replied. We sat up and looked at each other. I kissed him sweetly.
"Okay." I smiled. "There's a few things you'll need to know before that test."


3 weeks later

Lachlan was already almost perfect with the pledge before we started. He's been working hard with and online civics course and his application. Obviously, his English is spot on. I just still can't believe this is happening. He's giving up his home life for me. I feel awful about it but he always reassures me that he can visit his parents whenever. We figure he'd be done within the next 8 months, which isn't bad. Schools don't usually cover everything in the book, but we want him to be extra sure, just in case they're tough on him. He's doing better than an honors class would do. A chapter a week and getting 100s on each test. As for his channel, he had 2 weeks set for settling back in. I've been updating with vlogs on his channel for his fans and telling them to support him on Twitter. 98% of the are. He works so hard that I have to literally drag him from the computer to come to bed. He's down at 11 and wakes up at 5:30 to get started again.

Today was his third civics test. I printed it out for him and gave it to him at lunch time, away from the computer. Not that I don't trust him, we just have to be sure. He was so concentrated and his face was scrunched up. I kissed his cheek because I couldn't help myself. I leaned over the counter and observed.

I took it from him when he finished and graded it myself, having taken honors American Citizenship my sophomore year and acing it throughout. I looked at him wide eyed.
"What? What did I do? Did I fail? Let me see!" He whined.
"No, baby you got a 100!"
He fist bumped the air and came over, picking me up and kissing my face all over. I laughed. This is like our ritual for when he passes the tests, which is every time.
"I'm so proud of you and all this work you've been doing. When this is all done, we're going on a vacation." I told him. He smiled and hugged me tight, kissing my head. "Now go start the next chapter. Chapter 3 out of 30. You can do this!" His eyes widened. "I'm just kidding. Next is 15. I won't make you suffer."


8 months later

It was a struggle but we made it. Lachlan was going in today for his naturalization test to become a United States citizen. He wore a suit and red tie with his portfolio nice and new and filled with what he needed. I wore a red dress that he picked out for me to match his tie. I thought it was cute. Before he went in, I made the last few adjustments. Just smoothing out his tie and jacket and fixing a couple flyaways in his hair. He looked so cute. I smiled at him and he nervously smiled back.
"You'll do great, Lachy. I believe in you." He nodded and I pulled down lightly on his lapel, kissing him. "Hm. That was my last time kissing you as an Aussie." I joked. He loosened up and smiled. His name was called and I watched him go. All of my emotions built up and I started tearing up. I sat in the waiting room and starting doing everything I did as a teenager when I was nervous. I started biting my tongue and cheeks and even my nails, which I've never done.

After about an hour and a half, Lachlan stepped out, portfolio in hand, stone expressioned. I gave him the same look back awaiting the answer...

Oooooo cliffhanger. You're welcome c; Agh this chapter though. Nawt badd. Hope you liked <3

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