Chapter 5

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2 weeks later

~*Ellie's POV*~

I've spent most of my time in my room, just thinking about Lachlan. We weren't even dating but I miss him like we're married and he's been gone for years. I've lost weight from not eating much. Just depressed. I hadn't talked to the guys too much and haven't been in any videos.

Mitch walked in and lightly knocked on the door. I looked up from a picture of Lachlan and I from ArcadiaCon when I was on the wall and he was holding me. Rob sniped the picture.

"Hey. The fans have been worried about you. Are you okay?" He asked. I smiled weakly.
"I'm fine." I replied.
"Do you still want to go to the bar tonight? It's Thursday." I nodded.
"I need the money." I sighed. It's awful. I haven't had much of an interest in singing anymore since he left. He was my number one fan. Always listening whether it was in the car running an errand or I was in the shower and he was brushing his teeth, staying a bit longer just to listen. I miss that. I miss his company.

I sat on my stool and just sang sad songs. It was all that came to mind. After my last one. I look up. I felt someone staring. It was a man, no more than 21, looking at me and smiling. He had short light brown hair and a bit of stubble. He wore a leather jacket and sat backwards in his chair, leaning forward with his chin resting on his closed fist. The bar lights came on, and I noticed his eyes were green. When I thought I was staring, I looked down and away. I can't deal with any more guys. He turned back around in his chair as I sat with the guys. He was still in my view. He was talking to who I guess is his brother who was taller, tanner, and had longer hair just reaching the end of his neck. He had a defined nose and the same green eyes as his brother. I noticed he kept motioning for Leather Jacket to come over here where I am. But he would just motion to the guys at my table. I finally switched my attention to this table. The guys were quiet and sometimes they would look at me with sympathetic faces. So I just looked down. I looked up as one of the table's chairs moved out and turned away from me. Leather Jacket sat across from me. He sat in the same position he did before. Just staring.

"... Can I help you?" I finally said. He shook his head slowly.
"I thought angels only existed in fairy tales." He said. I could see his brother facepalm at the table over and laugh. I smiled a bit.
"Some could argue. But I'm the last person who would have a halo over my head."
"Somehow I doubt that," he stuck out his hand, "Dean." He said. I smiled.
"Elliot. It suits you." He said.
"It's a boys name. What're you trying to say?" I joked. His eyes widened and he defended himself in every way. I laughed.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it." He sighed after getting all the jibberish off his chest. He looked back up at me.
"Can I buy you a drink?" He said.
"As long as I can go up there to make sure nothing funny happens." I negotiated.
"Fine by me." Dean said.

We went to sit back at my table. The guys were talking on their own and I talked with Dean. He's the bad boy type, as I suspected. But he's sweet and a pretty good listener. I didn't tell him everything but I told him what he needed to know. By the time it was time for me to go, he gave me his number with a wink. I smiled and walked back out to the car with the guys. None of them questioned it, but they seemed glad that I was actually smiling and having a good time.

1 month later

Dean and I have been on a couple... dates, I guess they were. I've been happier and getting more involved with the guys. He's been around to hang out a couple times to watch the hockey game and what not. He even got me a gift. It was a little stuffed bear with angel wings that said "you are my angel." We aren't official or anything. Just "seeing" each other. I still think about Lachlan everyday. I'm sure he's with someone else now too. I tell myself it's for the better, that it would only work if he lived here. And now I have that. I have someone here who treats me just as he did. But I'm still trying not to get attached as usual. The guys had gone out to a sports bar and Dean and I stuck around the house. I cuddled up to him in a blanket and he sat in his chill position, acting all tough. Which he really is. Actually, on the way back from our last date, when he got me the bear, he told me to wait outside the store. We were in the mall so he wasn't far from me. I was looking in the windows at the little nick nacks. I was making my way around the corner, into the shop, when someone came by and snatched my purse. I screamed. Luckily Dean was practically right there and ran after him, tackling him to the ground. He sat on his back and pulled his hair up to lift his head. I heard him mumble something that I couldn't hear, then dropped his face back to the ground. He was fine. But he'll be pretty bruised up. Dean picked up my purse and brushed off some sand. He came over and handed it back with an adorable smile. I returned it.
"My hero." I said and kissed his cheek.

I smiled at the memory and looked up at him. He looked so concentrated on the movie. I smiled. He looked down at me and his face loosened. He kissed my nose. I smiled. I picked another good one.

I'm on a little chapter grind right now. Hope you like. Sorry for typos.
P.S. WEEKLY UPDATES for a bit. Until I get too caught up in work to write chapters

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