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Luke's POV

She left me standing in my driveway stunned. I never thought about it that way, I didn't realize she cared so much because of love. I am a fucking idiot.

I walk inside and sit on the couch in our living room or maybe it is just my living room I don't know anymore. I have to call her, but I should probably give her time to calm down the last thing I want to do is make it worse.

I decide I should watch TV I don't know what to watch, but I haven't finished season one of American Horror Story yet, so I should watch that.

After 4 hours of American Horror Story I sit there wanting to throw the TV out the window. Tate and Violet were suppose to end happily ever after. It was all wrong everything is wrong.

I am getting tired, but it isn't even that late maybe just a quick nap. I lay down on the couch and let my eyes close.

I wake up to banging on the door. "LUKE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ARE YOU IN THERE." Calums screams he sounds panicked.

I run over to the door and fling it open. "What?" I look at him his eyes wide and sweat on his forehead.

"Get your shoes on we have to go." He puts his hands through his hair and he is pacing.

I start putting my shoes on, but I don't know what's going on and I don't think it's good. "What's wrong what's happening?" I say knotting my right shoe lace.

He stops pacing and looks at me with an awful frown. "It's Mya." He starts pacing again.

Now I am the one panicking "What? What is Mya? Is she okay where is she? What happened?" I ask too many questions. I get up and walk to him.

"She was driving a truck crashed into her. I don't know much she is at the hospital." He says. We are walking to his car I assume I just follow him.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Calum when did this happen?" My head is spinning and I can't see clearly.

"It was 2 hours ago I tried calling and when you didn't answer I came over." He gets into his car and Ashton is there talking to someone on the phone.

"Yeah we found him. Any news?" He says into his phone.

I can't hear what the person on the other end is saying, but I think it is Michael.

"Okay, yeah we are on our way we will be there soon." He hangs up the phone.

"She is in the ICU, he doesn't know what is wrong no one will tell him how bad it is." He says from the backseat.

"Why the fuck not? It is his sister." Calum pulls out of the driveway and turns left toward the hospital.

"Do you know anything else? Where was she how did it happen." I can't think of anything, but Mya being injured.

"They only know the man driving was drunk and going really fast when he slammed into her. Her car flipped over." Ashton says in between giving Calum directions.

I can't think of anything to say so I sit there silently. When we get to the hospital Calum drops me and Ashton off by the door and leaves to find a parking space.

We run into the hospital and ask the lady at the front desk where the ICU waiting area is. By the time she finished giving us step by step directions Calum is inside with us.

When she finishes talking we run down the halls being told not to run by many nurses in the hallways.

We see Michael sitting in a chair with his head down in his hands. "Michael we're here." Ashton screams from the other end of the hallway.

He stands up and waits for us. "Thank god I need you guys." His eyes are red I assume from crying.

We all stand there for a second and then somehow we end up in a group hug, and we know we are all there for each other.

"What is going on?" I finally ask pulling away from the hug.

"I don't know they won't tell me." Michael says loud so the nurse next to us will hear him.

"What about your parents are they coming?" Calum is frantically looking around for something.

"Of course not they don't care." Michael says angry.

When Mya and Michael turned 16 their parents decided they could fend for themselves and left. They would call sometimes, but they have never come back.

"Michael?" A women with a clip board walks through the doors.

"That's me." Michael turns around faster then I've ever seen.

"You're Mya's brother?" She asks.

"Yeah I am is she okay?" He is biting his nails.

"We can't be sure, she is in a medical induced coma. She had a lot of fluid in her brain. The swelling could increase again there is no sure idea if she will live or not. She also broke ribs and her right arm." I listen to what she is saying and all I can hear is the women saying they aren't sure she will live.

"When- when can-- can we see her?" Michael stutters.

"She is in room 423 right now you can see her, but be prepared to be ask to leave at anytime." She looks at him then at the three of us. "Only you can go though no friends just family."

"Oh those are my brothers." Michael doesn't hesitate.

"Are they?" She looks suspicious. "I am pretty sure they aren't."

"They are right now." He scratches his head, just wanted to see his sister.

"Look we need to go see her." I step forward to talk to her.

"I am afraid I can't let you." I don't know who this bitch thinks she is.

"We need to all go visit her it's all or none." Ashton says from behind me.

"You know what fine just don't be stupid okay, I don't have time for this." She writes a note saying we are all going to room 423 and walks back through the doors.

We run through the doors on the other side and get stopped by the lady at the desk asking why four of us are together. We show her the note and with a frown she let's us go.

When we find her room none of us can believe our eyes. Out precious strawberry blonde green eyed beauty is reduced to having half her head shaved from the doctors going into her brain to reduce swelling and cast all over her body. She has a breathing tube in her mouth and nose and eyes are closed. She looks dead.

My knees give out and I sit in the chair besides her. "I am so sorry." I grab her hand.

"Why are you sorry?" Ashton says looking at her.

"She was mad at me, I wish she wasn't at me." My heart feels like it has been ripped out.

Michael has her other hand but isn't saying anything and Calum is paying with her hair.

We all just sit there wishing she would wakeup. We know we aren't supposed to me here anymore visiting hours are over, but no one has come to kick us out.

We hear someone walking down the hall checking each room. "We can't leave her." I say to Michael who would be able to convince the nurse to at least let him stay because he is family.

"Just hide I will tell her you left." They three of us scramble into the closet next to the bathroom.

"Sir you need to leave where are the others?" It's the lady from the front desk.

"They already left I can stay because I am her only immediate family." He sounds like he is telling and not asking.

"Okay." She leaves.

Calum and Ashton sit on the floor and Michael and I sit in the seat on either side of her. I lay my head next to her and fall asleep.

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