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In the loving memory of Alan Rickman. Died January 14th, 2016. Cancer took him away but we will not forget our beloved actor. He will ALWAYS be in our hearts.

"And you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, accept Astoria Greengrass to be your faithful and lovely wife to love her and respect her until death sets you apart?" The minister said.

"Of course I do" Draco Malfoy said, looking at his beautiful bride. She stroked her beautiful dark brown hair and looked at her in her silvery blue eyes.

"Now I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" in that moment, Draco took Astoria's face with his hand and kissed her sweetly in the mouth.

He couldn't believe this, he have been dating this girl for a year only and he was completely in love with her. She just finished school. A month ago. Classes have ended sooner because there were still some things to put together after the war.

1 year and 1 month later...
(June 2nd, 2000)

"She is beautiful, Toria. I think I've changed my mind, she'll grow up to be exactly like you in appearance, but she'll have my attitude" Draco said, holding his perfect newborn girl.

She had a tiny little button nose and a mop of brown hair. The only difference from her mother were her eyes. Astoria had silvery blue eyes and the baby had bright hazel eyes.

"Have you considered a name yet?" Draco's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, asked them.

"Yes, Renée Gemini Malfoy" Astoria said, looking at her sleeping daughter.

"I'm going to tell Lucius that he can come now" Narcissa said, getting out of the room.

"Thank you, Toria" Draco said.

"What for?" She asked confused.

"For the little piece of heaven you have given me" Draco said sweetly, holding his daughter in one arm and giving a one armed hug to his wife with the other.

It was perfect.

AFTER THE WAR (Harry Potter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now