Chapter 4

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The day after the Sorting I woke up at seven, seeing that my other two roommates were still asleep. I took my things and headed to the showers. It was quite odd not to have bathroom at the dorms, but I think I'll manage. I took my clothes off and pulled a towel around my body, putting a pair of purple flip flops in my feet before going through the hall.

I entered the bathroom to hear girly laughter. I rolled my eyes and tried to be as far from the laughter as possible. But of course, something had to go wrong.

"Hello? Who are you?" I heard a voice ask.

"Renée" I said simply.

"My name is Paulina. Nice to meet you. Are you new?" She asked. Paulina had caramel hair and honey eyes, she was short and wasn't pretty but you could notice she had quite a lot of money and influence.

"Yes, I'm new" I said, trying not to look uncomfortable when she took the towel off and leaned on the wall.

"Why are you here?" She asked. How nosy!

"My dad was transferred" I lied.

"Really? Where did you live?" Again, NOSY!

"A small town in Scotland" well, that's not entirely a lie. The new Malfoy manor was in Scotland, but away from any town.

"Yeah, I could have sworn I heard the Scottish accent" She said, obviously faking a smile at me, "I could be your friend, you know? You seem like a nice lass, I could help you sort out the wrong class" she said, offering her hand at me.

"I think I can sort by myself which is the wrong class" I said and left, not bothering that I didn't have the shower I wanted. I really hope I don't smell.

I went back to my room and put the uniform on, but instead of the dress shoes, I put on a pair of black converse. What? I don't have dress shoes. I took my TARDIS-blue backpack and put my books in it. Later I was going to put them on my locker. Yes, that's right, we are having lockers.

I went downstairs and put my earphones on, putting my music on shuffle. I listened to Ed Sheeran's The A Team and tapped my fingers on my legs with the rhythm. I tried to remember which way was the dining hall.

"Are you lost?" I barely heard a voice. I took one earphone off and turned to look at a triangle-faced boy with a pointy nose and blue little eyes, his hair was a sandy colour.

"Yes, could you tell me where the dinning hall is?" I asked and noticed that my Scottish accent was noticeable.

"Yes of course, I would be delighted to" he said, faking a strong Scottish accent. C'mon, my accent is not that strong, it's barely there.

"Don't, just don't" I told him and we laughed, "my name is Renée" I said and offered my hand for him to shake, which he did.

"John, John Dursley" he said and smiled, "you are the first not to mention my ears" he said and I shook my head giggling.

"I have a friend that has them almost as big, so don't worry" I joked and he rolled his eyes.

He led me to the dining hall silently. I arrived and saw that it was almost full. I searched with my eyes people I knew. I saw Antoine and Jensen and various other Slytherins in one table and walked to them, waving back at John.

"Merlin, I hope I get used to this" I said as I sat next to Jensen, across from Antoine.

"Morning" Jensen said, kissing my temple. Antoine looked at me quizzically and I gave him a look that said it was not the moment.

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