Chapter 5

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"Hey, Renée!" Victoire greeted me when she entered.

"Oh, hello Vic" I smiled at her, taking my bag off the chair for her to sit.

"Sorry I couldn't be with you earlier, my siblings got in problems. Dominique punched a kid" I snorted and she smiled, "she only did it because the boy was teasing Louis"

"Well, if someone was harassing my little brother, I would hit them too" I said.

We talked a little while other students filled the room, I could notice which were magical, we were all kind of nervous.

"I still can't believe we have to be with No-Maj's" I heard someone say.

Victoire and I turned around. There was a skinny tall boy with brown eyes and hair. He had a mischievous smile and was not wearing the uniform. He was obviously from the United States. Could he be a little louder? I think McGonagall didn't hear him.

"Merlin, does he want to get us all caught?" Victoire asked and I laughed.

"Well, he'll get himself caught" I told her and we rolled our eyes.

Not much later, Antoine entered the room and as soon as he saw us, he walked to our seats. He sat in me, as if there was no one there.

"Victoire, have you seen Renée? She wasn't in Math" Antoine said and I hit his shoulder, I didn't want Vic to know I had skipped it.

"Renée Gemini Malfoy! Did you skipped a class?" She asked me and I flinched at my full name.

"Maybe?" I sort of asked. Victoire smacked my head, "traitor" I told Antoine and pushed him off, making him fall.

"Dude, that hurt" the boy from before said.

"If I pushed you, it would hurt you too, mate." I told him and everyone made 'oooooooohhhh' noises.

"Dude, chill" he said with a smirk. But no one beats the Malfoy smirk.

"Shut up, mate" I said smirking and his smirk banished.

"Okay guys, I'm Ms. Lily, I will be your Universal History teacher. We'll start with Mesopotamia and Babylonia, then we'll see Greece and Ancient Rome, the Crusades, Luther and the Protestants, the Saint Inquisition, and so on. But for today, we'll just meet each other. I'll start, my name is Liliana Aron, I'm thirty three years old and I grew up in Whales" Ms. Lily said and I smiled, "now, let's start with you" she pointed at the Dude guy.

"I'm Frederick Brown, I'm fifteen years old. I grew up in America and I went to a small school" he said and I wished for him to shut up about the school.

The kids went on and on with facts about themselves until it was Antoine's turn.

"I'm Antoine Zabini, I'm sixteen years old, I was born December 31st at 11:59pm. I have a little sister, and I'm Renée's godbrother. I grew up in Scotland and now I'm here" Antoine said, many snickered when he said his last name but I shut them up with a glare.

"I'm John Dursley, I'm fifteen and I have come here to school since I was eleven. Not much"

"My name is Victoire Weasley. I have a younger sister and brother. I'm fifteen, my mum is French, my dad's from here" Vic said and it was my turn.

"I'm Renée Gemini Malfoy, I'm fifteen, I have a younger brother, he's nine. I grew up in Scotland and went to school there, and I was dragged here" I said and I heard someone, Frederick, snicker at my name.

"My name is Molly Weasley. I'm fifteen. I have a younger sister, Lucy, and Victoire is one of my ten first cousins." I turned around and saw Vic's cousin, she looked a lot like Dominique, but she had some features of her father.

The presentations were interrupted when Professor Longbottom entered the classroom.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Aron. But I have to deliver something to some students and I'll have to borrow Renée" Neville said and I heard 'oooooohhhh's'. Neville gave letters to Vic, Antoine, Frederick, Molly, John and I. I stood up and followed Neville.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Well, some people are here that want to see you" he told me and I was left confused.

We entered a classroom that had three people and a cat. The cat transformed into a lady, Professor McGonagall to be exact. The others were my great-aunt, Andromeda and her two grandsons. Aunt Andromeda had two kids, Nymphadora and Agafya. Nymphadora married Remus Lupin, and they had Teddy, he's my cousin. Agafya was younger than Nymphadora by three years and married on 1996, when she was twenty. On 1998, she had a son with her first husband, they named the babe Frank, Frankie, for friends. Later, Aunt Agafya married again with a Muggleborn named Daniel, and they had a daughter when Frankie was fourteen, her name is Danielle —I know, super original-, she can't go to Hogwarts, she's only four. As Teddy, Frankie and Danielle is are orphans, as Aunt Agafya and uncle Daniel died when Danielle was one, on a plane crash.

"Frankie? What are you doing here?" I asked him, "hello, Aunt Andromeda" I greeted her with a hug.

"So nice to see you, Renée dear. How's your Grandmother?" She asked.

"Oh, she's fine, still yelling at Grandpa for supporting Voldemort back in the day" I told her and she giggled.

A couple years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Grandma Narcissa became depressed, since her sister, Bellatrix, died. She also felt guilty of disowning Aunt Andromeda from the family. Later, Grandma discovered Aunt Bellatrix had killed Nymphadora and searched Aunt Andromeda. Grandma Narcissa helped Aunt Andromeda raising Teddy, along with the Potter's. And when his parents died, Frankie came live with us, but Danielle went live with her paternal grandmother.

"Well, Harry Potter caught me in Muggle London. And dragged me home where Aunt Astoria yelled at me and then sent me here" Frankie explained.

"Well, Mum and Dad were worried sick when you left, no note, no texts, no letter. You were gone for three months, Frankie. What did you expect Mum to do? Give you a cookie?" I asked sarcastically.

"I know, but I was with Charlie Weasley, in Romania" Frankie said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You could have at least called! I mean, with all that's going on, we all thought you would never return! You had Aunt Andromeda and Nanna worried sick!" I yelled at him, hitting him with a magazine I didn't realise I had taken.

"Well, children. I suggest you go to class" Professor McGonagall said and shooed us away.

"Bye, Aunt Andromeda!" I called back as I was leaving the classroom.

"So, I was yelled by my grandmother, my Aunt, my Uncle, Teddy and You" Frankie said

"If I was your mother, you would be in serious trouble, young man" I warned him, glaring at him.

"You already act as if you were, why don't you just adopt me?" He asked, but with annoyance clear in his tone.

"Frankie, you need to understand we worry about you. You are like a brother to me, I don't know what I'd do if I lost you" I hugged him tightly and left again to class.

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