Chapter 1

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"Scorpius! Get away from my books!" I yelled at my brother, who was getting near my bookshelf with matches. My favourite books were there, The Lord of the Rings, Evermore, Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles and many more.

"Make me!" He yelled back at me. He stuck his tongue out at me and lit one of the matches.

"Mum! Scorpius is using fire again!" I warned. Moments later, I could hear Mum's steps on the stairs.

My nine year old brother blew the match and stepped on it. Scorpius was just like my Dad. He had platinum blonde hair and greyish blue eyes. He had a pointy face.

"Scorpius! How many times have I told you not to use fire and to not bother your sister" Mum told him.

"Sorry Mum" he said and skipped to his room.

"Mum, today's Alice's birthday. Can I go to her house?" I asked her.

"Sweetie..." Mum warned.

"Mum please! She's one of my best friends. Victoire will be there and so will Antoine" I begged.

"Renée, you know it's dangerous, the Longbottom's live way too near to Hogwarts" Mum reminded me.

What's wrong with Hogwarts? Well, let's say that Muggles and wizards have some shitty problems. The American Minister of Magic got elected president of the United States and some Muggles didn't took well the news of their president being a wizard. Now, thanks to Minister Obama, Muggles all around the world are trying to hunt us, again.

"Renée! Your Hogwarts letter is here!" I heard my dad from the kitchen say.

I ran down the stairs, Professor McGonagall have told us before vacations that there would be a special notice in this year's letter. I took the letter from my dad's hand and opened it.

Dear Ms. Malfoy,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to course your fifth year in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
We are forced to inform you that due to the recent attacks on wizards and witches recently, all students must attend to King Edward's School as the Headmaster, Mr. JF Attwater attended to Hogwarts himself. He will provide us of security and all the best magical education he and his school can give us while we are there. All students are expected to arrive to the school on September 1st at 8:00 pm for the sorting.

Neville Longbottom, Deputy Headmaster.

"Oh, you've got to be shitting me!" I exclaimed as I finished reading the letter.

"Renée! Mind your language!" Dad told me.

"No, but Dad, you've got to read this! It's mad! They do not seriously expect us to do this, do they?" I asked, handing him the letter. Dad read it quickly and reread it again like five times.

"They've got to be fucking kidding me!" He almost yelled.

"I know, right!" I said, "Dad, we need to ask Mr. Longbottom about this. Besides, it's Alice's birthday"

"Of course we need to. Toria! We need to go to the Three Broomsticks! There is some shit we need to get straight!" Dad yelled.

"Draco! Mind your language in front of your children!" Mum yelled from upstairs. Mum came down with Scorpius in less than two minutes.

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