Chapter 6

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Halloween threatened to come faster this year. Everyone was planning their costumes but us wizards. We didn't get why to dress as 'monsters' I mean, some kid is going to dress as a werewolf and Teddy is half werewolf and Vic is like 1/4 werewolf. I find that really rude. Mum says it's important to fit in, but, really.

"What are we going to dress up as?" Paulina asked me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm talking to you, dummy. Friends go alike in Halloween" she said, sitting in Jensen's lap. He was sitting next to me while I did a History project.

"Uhm, I'm sorry Lina. But I already told Vic and Alice I'd go with them" I lied smoothly.

"Oh, bummer. See you soon, then" Paulina said before she kissed my forehead. Totally weird if you ask me. And then kissed Jensen's cheek, which just made my blood boil.

I breathed several times to calm myself before standing up and gathering my things. I had Defence Against the Dark Arts and as no one really wanted the job, Harry Potter was being the substitute.

"Renée!" I heard someone call. I turned around to see James.

"Wotcher, James!" I exclaimed, as he jumped to my arms and balanced James on my hip. He had grown a little since the beginning of the year, but he was about the same height as my baby bro.

"Could you help me with Transfiguration later?" He asked me, making a puppy face.

"Yes, I have free time in the period after lunch" I told him and got him down.

I walked alone in a comfortable silence to DADA. Some kids passed by me and ignored me or nodded at me or said hello. I was fine on my own. That was until-

"Ms. Malloy! Where do you think you are?! A cabaret?!" I heard the Moral teacher, Mr. Thompson, yell at me.

"It's Malfoy, not Malloy" I told him, somewhat exasperated, "and what is wrong this time? Yesterday was the amount of buttons I had to button-" I started to complain.

"Your skirt is way too short, you might catch a cold" he told me, looking at my legs. The skirt was past my mid-thigh.

"Thank goodness you are not wearing it, sir, you are not the one getting a cold" I relied sarcastically.

I saw Mr. Thompson go bright red. He took a deep breath and then walked away. Merlin, he was always trying to find an excuse to get me sacked since I accidentally put a lobster in his desk. Key word, accidentally.

"Oi! Malfoy!" I heard someone call.

"Now what?!" I exclaimed. Can't they see I'm quite comfortable with myself.

I turned around to see Percival Thompson. Ring a bell? He's Mr. Thompson's son. He's a major playboy here, almost all witches have avoided him. He have tried things with Victoire and Alice, and some others too, but not yet with me. And I thanked it. But it also made me feel bad, was I not enough to have his attention? Now that he is getting closer to me, I accept I was better without it.

"What do you want?" I asked him. He was seventeen.

"There is a party on Halloween" he said.

"I know, what about it?"

"Will you go?" He asked, getting nearer. He was not tall at all. He was my height, and I'm not tall.

"I don't know. Now, excuse me, I'm late for class" I tried to go away but he took my bag and pulled me, almost making me fall.

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