Kidnapped by an Elf 13

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It's been forever since I updated this story, but I'm trying to catch up with all my stories. So here's chapter 13!

Summary so far: There is a war going on with commoners (including Azel's faerie grandma) against Skaelih (evil dark elf king). Skaelih wants Azel dead so she doesn't help the rest of the commoners, especially since she's suppose to have great power. Damon, Zanic's old friend came to kill her, but they beat the crap outta him. Damon says he will help them defeat Skaelih, if they help him revert back into a light elf. Oh and Zanic and Azel are a couple.


***Chapter 13***

" far are we going to walk?" I whined and leaned against him. My feet were crunching the dead leaves from the trees. Damon walked to Zanic's left, an utter bored expression on his face.

"Until we find a Dinx. You said you wanted one right?" He looked down at me with a soft smile and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I huffed; apparently Dinx are very hard to find and get since they are extremely fast and good hiders.

"Yeah but..." I frowned.

"Well if you don't want one..." Zanic began with a mischevious smile. I pushed away from him and glared at him.

"I do want one! Why couldn't we just have Shadow take us?" I demanded.

"Because Shadow is mad at you for getting a companion that's not him." Zanic replied; I turned to look at Shadow, who had his head up, but was obviously ignoring. Jeez, who knew unicorns could be so childish?I sighed.

"Fine." I grumbled, dropping my shoulders and quitting my arguing.

"Hear that?" Damon asked, an interested look on his face.

"What." I asked, becoming so quiet that all I could hear was my breathing. Maybe he heard a Dinx.

"Nothing, now let's leave it that way." He laughed at his own joke; I laughed dryly.

"Ha. Ha. I guess you elves are the ones who put Santa in his jolly good mood, since your so funny." I replied sarcastically and watched in satisfaction as Damon's laugh died and he shouted profanities at me for dissing his species.

"Now. Now. Kids play nice. Jeez Azel, your such a brat when you're bored." Zanic teased and both Damon and I turned to give Zanic a death glare.

"Oh yeah? We're the kids? Who's the one who is always spazzing out over food, they're practically twitching?" Damon retorted and I high fived him ; that is so true. Zanic is a hyper kid. Zanic frowned.

"Hey, you know that's only when I eat double chocolate ice cream; ya know what it does to me." He defended himself; we were now just standing in the middle of a forest, arguing with eachother. We obviously don't make such a great team.

"Then why do you eat it?" I rolled my eyes.

" 'Cause it's so good." Zanic pouted and I snorted.

"Yeah I wanna see you say that when your fat and Azel leaves you." Damon smirked and I laughed; Damon and I were always fighting eachother, but we instantly teamed up when it came to insulting Zanic. I was such an awful girlfriend and Damon was an awful best friend; but it was irresitable to tease Zanic. He was like a little kid you steal candy from and watch as he goes and complains to his mommy, who in this case is Shadow. Damon and I both shared a cruel behavior that just seemed to match Zanic's forgiving one.

"Shadow, they're insulting me." Zanic tattle taled.

"Leave him alone." Shadow told me; but I smirked, knowing I was the only one who could hear him.

"What did he say?" Zanic asked.

"He said grow a pair." I laughed at Zanic's horrified face; Shadow snorted and I sighed, knowing that if I didn't tell Zanic the truth, Shadow would hold a grudge against me. Damon laughed and high fives me.

"Im kidding he told me to leave you alone." I laughed Zanic's smug face; as if laughing at us that Shadow always had his back.

"Ha! You two are evil." Zanic said.

"Well I am a dark elf." Damon shrugged his shoulders.

"And I'm a faerie." I said. Faeries are known to be cunning and cruel.

Zanic muttered something to himself before saying," Where the hell is a damn Dinx, when you want one?" He complained; Out of nowhere, a red ball of fur popped out of the emerald bushes and jumped Zanic. Zanic tumbled backward, his back smacking onto the grass with a playful red fox on him.

"I found one!" I exclaimed pointing at the beautiful green eyed and two tailed fox on him. Zanic groaned in pain.

"Me too!" Damon said smirking.

"I thought were hard to find?" I questioned, while looking lovingly at the fox that was crushing Zanic.

"They are, but this one found us." Damon chuckled.

"Well, Dinx are attracted to eccentric and crazy auras. This one could have been attracted to your arguing." Shadow guessed and I awed.

"He's so cute!"

"He's damn heavy!" Zanic argued, pushing the fox off of him and pulling himself into a sitting position. The Dinx, trotted to me and rubbed himself on my leg. I bent down and petted his silky crimson fur.

"So adorable!" I cooed while Zanic muttered curses.

"I kinda like him." Damon said, watching in amusement as Zanic eyed the Dinx in resentment.

"Im cuter." Shadow huffed.

"I'll name him Zan!" I declared and laughed as the Dinx licked my hand.

"Hey!" Zanic complained, standing up and stomping to me.

"Oh Zanic grow a pair." I said and Damon and Shadow followed with murmurs of agreement.

"Hello and I'm quite pleased with the name."'A smooth male voice said and I was shocked to see it was Zan. This just makes things even cooler.

"Zan it is then." I nodded in agreement; Zan was adorable and reminded me so much of Zanic it was ridiculous.

"I hate that thing." Zanic muttered and I playfully punched him.

"Quit your whining, Zan is a new member of our team and you will respect him. Now lead us to my Grandma." I said with a bright smile. Zanic sent me a look of utter bafflement, while Damon snickered along with Shadow. I laughed; Its funny how much relationships change and how quickly bonds are formed.


Sorry if it's boring; this was more of a filler chapter and an introduction of Zan.

I'll upload when I can. This story is not over, I'm going to continue writing it.

Plz ~Vote~Comment~Fan *<:•}

~Redzebra ^_^

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