Kidnapped by an Elf 11

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So this story is no longer on hold since you guys commented and voted :D thanks!!!


)))Chapter 11(((

I woke up to glass shattering and groans.  I lifted my head and winced as a sharp pain shot through it. I squinted my eyes, for my vision was little blurry.

Once I had my vision had cleared I saw Zanic wielding a light mist and swirling it around him. It seemed to purify the dark smoke the other man,Damon was tossing. Damon was obviouslt trying his best not to touch the mist. I wonder why?

Curiosity along with the temptation of revenge got the best of me. I ignored the stabbing pain from my headache, and stood up. It looks like I just fainted and hit my head on the wooden table. I'm lucky I didn't split my head.

I sneaked behind Damon;he was too engrossed in his fight with Zanic, he didn't notice me. Zanic did and he sent me a warning, but relieved look. I rolled my eyes and pushed Damon into the mist at the same time that Zanic expanded it.

Damon screamed as the mist sizzled and ate at his skin. Zanic grimaced and then wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing the top of my head. I snuggled closer to him;Damon finally passed out from the excruciating pain.

"What do we do with him?" I asked anxiously and Zanic smirked. He chanted a spell and suddenly there was another metal crate to my right. I frowned at the awful memories, but smirked as he shoved Damon in there and not me.

"Cant he just melt the metal like you?" I questioned and Zanic shook is head, crimson hair flopping around.

"Nah, he's a dark elf. They don't have those powers. Their powers are strong but limited according to Skaelih's generosity." He muttered and I sent him a blank look.

"What?"  I asked; He sighed and his emerald eyes turned sad.

"I guess it time to explain everything to you" I gulped knowing I probably wasn't going to like this but signaled for him to proceed.

"Well long ago Zenix lived in harmony. It was a monarchy, but a fair one. After our King Lequiv, my father" he gulped, his eyes shifting to a dark sea green. I wrapped my arm around him and he continued"after he died, Skaelih took over; I was too young to rule. He became a tyrant, treating mythical creatures like trash. He became the first dark elf. After that many followed in his footsteps fearing for their lives. They also became dark elves. I am the last Light elf; I kidnapped you according to Skaelih's orders. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. He wanted me to kidnap you so you wouldn't help your grandma and the other mythical creatures fighting for freedom. I was turning into a dark elf, until I met you. I know it sounds like total bullcrap, but I really like you Azelia.  I told them I refused to help them, once I realized how I felt about you. Obviously they didn't back off.I'm sorry." His voice cracked and he looked shamefully away.

I contemplated his words, obviously he felt sorry. But what irritated me was that he didn't tell me until after we got together. I was always a forgive and forget person, but I felt the need to be angry at him so next time he wouldn't do it again. It was like training a puppy.

I sighed and looked at him. He was looking at his feet, his crimson hair shielding his face and his body was tensed. I sighed and decided to mess with him, teach him a lesson.

"Zanic" His head snapped at the wound of my calm angry words. He looked anxious and his emerald eyes were so dark they were almost black. I noticed that his eye color changed according to his mood." Its over." I whispered, locking my jaw. I was just messing with him, seeing if his feelings were true.

"I...we..." He stuttered, his eyes filling with sadness. He looked pleadingly at my face, begging me to take him back. It seemed as if he didn't trust himself to speak. My heart sank and I felt guilty. He clenched his jaw and his eyes were black, no hope in them." I under-understand. What I did was wrong...I'm so sorry." His voice cracked and I couldn't take it anymore, it seemed he had suffered enough. Jeez, why did I have to be so nice?

"Zanic I-"

"I understand, but I don't want to let you go. I care about you, please one more chance? I'll do anything." He begged and I shrugged, lets see if he will offer anything. I'll take advantage of his pleading.

"Will you be nice?" I walked around him, stroking my invisible mustache. Making it look like I was in deep thought.

"Yes." He nodded, hope filled his eyes while guilt nibbled on my insides.

"Will you stop using your elf spells on me?"

"....Yes" He replied after hesitating.

"Will you let me keep a pet  Dinx?" a Dinx was a red fox with two tails and green eyes. They reminded me of Zanic; they were hyper and so cute. Zanic didn't let me keep one, because he said I treated it better than I treated him.

"...Why?" He whined and I sent him a hard gaze. He sighed dramatically, but determination was in his eyes.

"Fine" He agreed begrudgingly and I had to stop myself from smirking.

" Will you let me return to my grandma?" I did forgive him, but I wasn't going to stay here helplessly as a war roared on' a war my grandmother was in. It also didn't feel right to know there was a tyrant treating innocent beings like dirt. This was something I was determined to aid in.

Sadness filled his eyes and he pursed his lips. His face brightened up suddenly and he smirked." Only if I can come." He compromised and I smiled in return.

"Good. Though now that I got everything I wanted...You know I wasn't even mad at you, I was just messing with you." I admitted shamelessly  and his eyes widened n shock. Then he playfully glared at me.

"You're going to  get it now!" He smirked and flung himself at me, his hands snaked down to m ribs and I knew he was about to tickled me, I opened my mouth to argue but another voice spoke instead.

"What the hell?" It muttered and I paled. Damon was awake.


Sorry it sucks. I had to explain all that crap and I'm tired. Too much homework :P

Plz tell me wat u think!

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