Kidnapped by an Elf 10

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Ah this is suppose to be on hold, but since a few of you have requested a new chap, here it is!


+++Chapter 10+++

"Zanic....Zanic....."I whined as he ate a cupcake right in front of me"Zanic! Im goint ot kill you!"I shouted flingin myself against the cold cage.Yes, I was in a cage.Why? Because I insulted Zanic's magical Elf powers.Pfft...All I said was that"It would be impressive if you could have Santa appear, not roses...."

"You already killed my heart..."He feigned hurt and placed a hand on his chest.I frowned and huffed in annoyance.Yes, I was being a little mean, when he got me roses and made dinner...I was just uncomfortable at recieving something romantic. I was never good at expressing my feelings and I just didnt know how to respond nicely...So i insuletd him. Gawd, I felt bad.

'Zanic, your such an abusive boyfriend!"I complained and sat at teh corner of the dog crate.Zanic was upset and made a crate appear,he said if I didnt apologize he wouldnt release me.I don't want to apologize becasue I have my pride. I would of apologized if he didn't put me in a freakin' cage!

"Your an abusive girlfriend!"He shot back, swallowing the cupcake and stretching himself on the couch." I made you dinner and got all romantic just like in those human movies and then you make fun of me!"He argued and look of hurt crossed his face,his emerald eyes turning a dark sea green.I felt my heart sink. I felt really guilty now.I sighed and finally decided to put my pride aside.

"I'm sorry..."I mumbled and he sat up, hope visible in his face.

"What?"He asked, his eyes seraching my face.

"I'm sorry...I liked it..."I muttered and he broke into a grin.

"I'm sorry, I couldnt hear you." He smirked.

"Yes you did!"I accused and he shook his head innocently.

"I'm sorry and I really liked it, even though it was a really cheesy thing to do!" I shouted and he frowned.

"It wasn't cheesy...The girls in the movies always loved it..." He trailed off, confusion becoming apparent in his face.

"Not every girl likes the same thing Zanic..."He frowned and sighed.

"Guess your right...I bet if I got you a year supply of cupcakes and a concert ticket, you would of loved it!"He shook his head in disappointment.

" It was really thoughtful Zanic!"I blurted to make him feel better.

"It was wasnt it?"His spirits lifted and I nodded yes."So amazing I desreve a kiss?"He smirked and bent down in the front of the crate.I narrowed my eyes, now he's pushing it.

"Yeah..."If he opens it, I'm free!All I have to do, is to make him think I'm actually going to kiss him.He smirked and lifted the lock on the wired door.It opened and he held his hand out for me to grab. I mentally smirked and took it, but he didnt expect me to pull him in as I hopped out.I laughed and closed the door on him.

"Did you think I would actually kiss you, after you locked me a crate?"I snorted and he nodded.

"With these looks actually yeah."Hre smirked and pointed at his very masculine, exotic face. His crimson hair shimmered and his green eyes twinkled.I hate how he's so good looking...Well I dont, just when he's cocky about it.I huffed and was about to respond, when the door bell rang.

I sent Zanic a questioning look and he shrugged."Let me out."

"Nope."I refused and walked toward the door. I opened it and on the other side was a tall,dark looking man.He had blue-black hair that gave him a sisnister look and his silver eyes took me in.

"Well hello, Azelia."His husky voice sent shivers through me."Is Zanic here?"

"How do you know me?" I demanded ignoring his question, He twisted a smile.

" I know a lot about you."He pushed me aside and walked in. I looked over to Zanic, to see him paling and his eyes were angry.

"Damon, what are you doing here?!I told you its over!"Oh god was Zanic gay, before me?"I'm not going through that stupid plan!"I sighed in relief, until Damon chuckled darkly.

"I dont care.Cant even handle a girl Zanic?"He laughed.Lookin at Zanic, who wa still in the crate.

"Go to hell."Zanic spat, clenching his jaw.

"Well Azelia, you made this easy for me...I wont have to kill your dear Zanic anymore.You, I will still have to kill."He moved closer to me and I moved away from him.

"Leave her alone!"Zanic spat, melting the metal of the crate by chanting a spell.

"Zanic...I was hopingI wouldnt kill you..."Damon smirked.I felt my heart rate speed up and I sent Zaniz a disapproving look.

"Zanic stop!"I shouetd and he froze.

"Good girl."Damon appraised and I sent him  a dirty look." But I will still have to knock him out."He lifted his hand and shot a black smoke at Zanic.Zanic coughed uncontrollably and his eyelids began to flutter close.

"Zanic!"I screeched and then the smoke also invaded me, but I wasn't a strong to fight it.Damon shot more as I tired to stay awake.My eyes fluttered close and I let the darkness take me, but not before I heard Zanic frantically yelling my name and metal breaking.



So I uploaded...umm tell me wat you thought of it...If you didnt like it, I'll rewrite it :)

If your confused, just tell me and I will try to clarify.

PLZ vote-comment


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