Kidnapped by an Elf 6

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Chapter 6

Ive been residing in this piney cabin with psycho elf,also known as Zanic, and Shadow for a week now.What has happened in a week?Nothing.Nothing at all.Well except for his relentless attempts to get in my pants and him annoying the hell out of me.Other than that nothing,and I have to say it has been pretty fun.He makes life...interesting.

I got my lazy butt off my bed,I mean couch and went to the kitchen to hunt for food.I really want cupcakes.Ever since Zanic woke me up by hollering cupcakes and I didn't recieve any,I've been craving them like a fat kid craving McDonalds.

"Azel!"I heard Zanic yell my new found nickname excitedly.This past week we've become sort like friends...shocking I know.Zanic has tried to convince me to be his friend with benefits and I of course refuse.I swear he's horny all the time.I frowned,a little scared to find out what he was so excited about.

"Azel!Where are you?"I sighed and strode to the living room.Luckily now clean , because I forced him to clean it along with the rest of the cabin.His room was a disaster.I was too preoccupied thinking that I didn't notice him running my way and he rammed into me.

I fell to the floor with him on top of me.My breath was knocked out of me.He was so heavy,what the hell does he eat?I instantly pushed his fatbutt off me.

"Youre so annoying!"

"Yeah,you've told me that atleast 20 times this week."He said nonchantly.

"What did you want?"I questioned,pushing my black bangs from my gray eyes.

He beamed"Okay,well I was researching ya know faerie stuff,since your one and I found awesome things!"He said practically bouncing off the walls.Oh no.He ate sugar.He can get worse then me...that says something.

"What?"I asked anxiously.

"Well faeries apperrantly can talk to animals and influence them!"

"Influence how?"I asked curiously.This sounded cool.

"You can tell them what to do and they obey"He explained enthusiastically.

"Really?"It sounded like a hoax.

"Yep!Let's try it on Shadow!"He slid his large,warm hand into my small one.I blushed,I hate to say it, but I've grown to withstand his annoyingness and pervertedness.Shocking right?l.I felt tingles dance in my hand and I lifted my gray eyes to his emerald eyes.He was staring at me in shock,then he'd look at our hands and back to me.He smiled shyly and tightened his grip.

"C'mon let's go."He said softly,keeping a firm grip on my hand.He led me into the barns and we were greeted by Shadow .

He's so cute,but as stubborn as a goat.Sometimes I think he is more intelligent than Zanic.Not even kidding.His silver horn glistened in the sun and his black coat shimmered.

Zanic guided me over to pet him"So what do I do?"I asked nervously.

He smiled"Talk to him and see if he answer"

I sighed."Do you enjoy living with this idiot?"I asked Shadow,looking into his black eyes.

Shadow snorted"Hes not as bad as you think"Did I hear that right?

"You can talk?"I asked anxiously.

"Ofcourse, but only a few creatures can hear me.For example,you,faeries"Shadow explained in a voice filled with intelligence and knowledge.His voice was so smooth it was shocking.

"Can you hear him?"Zanic asked excitedly.I almost forgot he was here.

"Ye-yeah"I said still shocked.

"What did he say?"I ripped my eyes away from Shadow and turned to look at Zanic.His red hair glowing,his pointy ears showing and once again dressed in all black.

"He said he hates living with you"I said seriously.His face crumbled into sorrow and I felt bad."I'm kidding!He said your not as bad as I think."

He smiled again,revealing his pearly whites and pointy,tiny top teeth."Thanks Shadow!I love you!"He said hugging Shadow.It was adorable,Zanic and Shadow had a strong bond.From what I know they have been together for years.

"Love you too"Shadow said quietly.His voice matched his appearance.Quiet,but radiated strength.His voice also went with the way I percieved him to be.It was amazing to be able to communicate with him and soon other animals.I've always loved animals.

Zanic returned his attention to me and smiled so big,his face must hurt."I know how you can sprout your wings" 


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