Life As Lorraine Chpt 2

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When I reached the park I took out my cell phone and I had a text from my friends. Well, just not any friends my best friends. They were both guys, named Aiden and Dexter. I met Aiden in the 4th grade and we met Dexter in 7th. Since I met them my life has been better. They have always been there when I needed them.
.Start FlashBack ~ I was going through the book section in the corner of the class room when a really short blonde boy came up to me. "Hi." he said. I just looked up at him. He went over to the fiction section and grabbed a book for the 5th grade class. "Here." he said handing me the book 'Shug' By Jenny Han. I slowly took the book from him only to realize he then had two copies of the book. "What's this for?" I asked. He sat down next to me and crossed his legs. "I want us to read this together." he said. "Why?" I asked. He smiled at me. " Because I wanna be your friend silly." I felt my face lighting up. No one had ever wanted to be my friend before. "Really?" I asked him, getting shy. "Yeah, I'm Aiden, Nice to meet you." I smiled hugging the book. "I'm Lorraine." We both opened our books and took turns reading to eachother.~ End Flashback.
My phone chirped again.It was from Dex. He said 'Hey chicka what's up?!' I sat down on the swings and texted him back. I said 'Noottthhiiinnngggg, extra bored! Have you heard from A?' While I waited for a reply I texted A 'HEY! What's up? Where are you? I'm booooorreeddd!' I swung on the swings for a good 3 minutes before I got a text back from A. He said 'hey! The sky is up :P! Im at my house with Dex! You should totally come over!'. On that note I jumped off the swing and started walking.  About 3 seconds later, I got a text from Dex. 'I'm not doing anything! Im at home all alone! And no you can't come over my mom is being a meanie :P' I ignored that message because he was lying.
.Start Flashback: ~ "Aiden Stop!" I screamed running away from my bestfriend Aiden who had found a milipede and thought it would be funny to chase me around. I bumped into this kid about my height and he was kind of awkward. I grabbed him by his shoulders and used him as a shield against Aiden. "BACK YE FOUL BEAST!" I said jousting this stranger toward my friend. Aiden laughed and threw the bug into the grass, "Alright, stop Lorraine. We're scaring the poor sack." I let him go and went to stand by Aiden. "Sorry about that kid." I said putting my hands behind my head. "I'm.. i'm not a kid! I'm in your class!" He said loudly and quickly. Me and Aiden looked at eachother and then back to him. "What's your name then?" Aiden asked him. "D..Dexter." he said studdering. I grabbed his hand. "Well Dexter, I'm Lorraine and that's Satan a.k.a. Aiden." He smiled at us and grabbed my hand back. Aiden came around to the middle of us and put his hands around us, "So, whatcha guys wanna do?" ~. End Flashback.
I walked down the street and around the corner. We all lived close to eachother. We were all within a block of eachother, so we were always together. When I approach A's house, I looked through the living room window. I saw A and Dex sitting on the couch throwing popcorn at each other. The tv was on and I bet my last dime they weren't even watching it. I walked up the driveway, and onto the porch to ring the the doorbell. "Cooommmiinngggg" I heard a deep voice say. I hid in the bushes next to the porch and Aiden opened the door, I smiled. He stepped out on the porch and looked around to see who was there. I grabbed his ankle and he jumped back tripping into the doorway. I came out the bushes laughing my ass off as he got up.
Aiden is 18, he has black hair hanging in his face sorta "emoish", snakebites, piercing bright blue eyes, he's sorta pale, skinny with muscles and he's realllyyy tall! I think he's like 6'3. We called him A because it got really weird calling him Aid because jerks at school turned it into AIDS so we changed it. I gave him a big hug, and stepped in. "Who is it A?" I heard a teenage boyish voice, coming around the corner. Dex saw me and froze. Dexter is somewhat like Aiden. Dex is 18 too. He has black hair hanging in his face but with blonde, he has his tongue pierced, but he has emerald green eyes, very pale, kinda slim with muscles and kind of tall. I think he's like 6'1. Me on the other hand. I'm 17, mocha colored. Black hair with red, blue, purple, and green streaks, I have snakebites, I'm a good body shape. Very curvy mostly because I have big boobs, I have brown eyes and I'm 5'11. I'm not much to look at but they love me.
I gave Dex my evil look. "Home? All alone? Mommy is being a meanie?" I say moving closer to him. He started to back up. "Lorraine! I can explain!" He turns to run but I jump on his back. "Aiden! Look at mee!!! I'm taller than you!" I say doing a dance on Dex's back. Aiden laughed and went back to sit on the couch, smacking my ass on the way. "HEY MISTER!" I yell at him! Dex walks in the living room and I jump off his back. I sit next to Aiden poking his stomach. "HEY!" he objected. "Yesssh? I questioned acting innocent. Then Dex jumped in, "That wasn't very nice." He said plopping down next to me. "What wasn't?" I asked a little confused. "You poked mah tummah!" A said pointing to his stomach. "And I don't like it." Dex said jumping in again. I was being tag-teamed. I looked back and forth at them. They both had THAT look on their faces. I knew THAT look... I hated THAT look. "DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!" I yelled standing up. A turned off the TV and looked at me. "Why whatever do you mean?" he said putting his hands over his chest, faking like he was hurt. I looked at Dex he looked at A.  I ran and they followed, I went up the stairs two at a time. Dex caught my leg and I fell. (It didn't hurt since his stairs were carpeted.) They picked me up, Aiden had my hands and Dex had my feet. They carried me to Aiden's room and plopped me down on the bed.
I scrambled around to right myself then I was ambushed! THEY.STARTED.TICKLING.THE.CRAP.OUT.OF.ME! They didn't even give me a chance to breath, they just kept going. I was about to pee my pants! "STOP! STOP! STOP! PLEAAASSEE!" I yelled. Then they stopped, and straightened me so I was lying properly. They sat on either side of me. When I caught my breath I hit both of them in the arm. "OWWWWW!"  They said in unison.  "What'd you do that for?" Dex asked. I gave him my evil glare and he looked away. I gave A my evil glare and he cleared his throat. "So how about a movie?"  He pointed to his movie collection in the corner.
I crawled over him and got off the bed. I walked over to the collection and looked through his movies. He had them all set up alphabetically. I wondered when he had the time to do this. I took out 3 movies; 'I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, White Chicks, and Juno.'  Just wanted something funny to watch to enjoy the time with the friends. I popped in Juno and laid back in the middle of them, but compared to them I was upside down with my shoes facing them and the headboard. A took off one of my shoes and threw it, Dex took off the other on and threw it. "P.U. Lorraine! Your feet stink!" said Dex. "I looked at him and laughed. " Not nearly as bad as yours!" I said pushing his feet away from my face. He then turned and laid the way I was, so did Aiden. We were talking through the credits, not about much. Just about how long Dexter had been there and when was I going to get an invite. Then the movie went to the main menu. "A?" I said tapping Aiden. "Yea?" He said looking over at me. "Where's the remote?" I asked looking on the bed and then on the floor. He looked over on his nightstand and then frowned. "No clue." He said laying back down. Dexter and I sighed rolling out of the bed to look for it because we knew he wouldn't. After about 4 minutes of rapid searching, Dexter found it under the bed towards the headboard. Then he pressed play and about 10 minutes into the movie, I blurted out forgetting I was in a room with two guys. "I wonder what that feels like?" I was referring to the sex. I felt both of their eyes on me. I looked at the puzzled stares both of them gave me. "What?!" I asked.
They sat and stared for a second, occasionally glancing at eachother. They both wanted to ask the same question but it was Aiden that finally spoke up. "Lorraine, you're a...". It was if he didn't want to say the word. "You're a virgin?"  I looked at both of them. "Yeeeaaaa..." I said slowly. "Aren't you two virgins?" I asked knowing the answers were both no. They both shook they heads slowly. There was a silence besides the movie. "But I thought you lost it last year?" Aiden said. "When?" I asked. "At Melissa's party when we played 2 hours in heaven. You were in there with Jack."I looked at him. "No, we were just kissing. What made you think that I did more?" Dex answered that for him. "The window was open, we thought you did that to hide the smell." I laughed. "Noooo my allergies were bothering me from his cologne." Aiden broke in. "The messed up bed?" "We were jumping in it the last 5 minutes." I answered. Dex jumped back in. "Your clothes were messed up and so was his." I smiled at the memory. "We did some pretty hard making- out." They looked at each other as if they were trying to process what I had just said.  "Yes I'm a virgin, I say it once again, I have never had sex!"  I said sitting up and crawling over Dex to turn off the movie.
I took the plug from his drawers plugged it into the speakers and connected it to my IPod touch and hit shuffle. The first song that came on was 'Beauty In The Breakdown by the Scene Aesthetics.' I laid back in the middle and faced the right way my feet towards them again. They switched laying my way and then they said in unison. "WE LOVE YOU NO MATTER IF YOU'RE A VIRGIN OR A WHORE!" I laughed. "Gee thanks! Boy do I feel special." I said in a sarcastic voice, they hugged me and then we all lay down singing. I start to get sleepy so I turned and my laid my head on Aiden's chest. He put his arms around me. I put my legs over Dexter's stomach and he gently rubbed them. I heard the music gently fade out as they were whispering around me. I fell asleep and later awoke up in Dex's arms. It was 7:25pm. Dex was sleep and Aiden was gone.

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