Chapter 11: School Is In Session

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We held hands as we walked through the drama filled, student covered halls. We moved at a normal pace, I looked around noticing the new posters all around the school. I was still a little worried, and Dex must have sensed it because he gave my hand a little squeeze. That calmed me down, but it seemed like these halls were never ending. We had turned a couple of corners and I could see me, Dex, and Aiden's lockers. There was a banner across our three that read 'Property of the Emo Losers!!! ' Dex and I sighed at the same time as we both reached to rip the poster off. I turned the combination on my locker and opened it to have a bunch of fake razors fall out, the same happened with Dex. Me and Dex grabbed our books and continued down the hall to our first class as if nothing had happened. We went down the hall and entered our Language Arts class early.

We sat down in our seats in the back and waited for class to being. No one was there but me and Dex, not even the teacher was there. I sat my books on the desk and sighed. Dex rubbed the top of my hand and then took it in his. "Are you okay?" he asked me obviously seeing something was wrong. "It's just... nothing." I said looking away. He seemed a little hurt, I could tell by the way he moved his hand from mine. I wanted to tell Dex what was wrong, but how was I supposed to tell my new boyfriend that I had another guy on my mind? That's right. I can't, and I won't. We sat there in silence before we heard footsteps coming in the class. I didn't normally look up but something in my stomach was telling me I should. I looked up to see Aiden and Melissa hand in hand. My stomach wanted to drop, I wanted to cry, I wanted to kill her, and all my anger and hatred was aimed at Melissa. If I could have burned a hole into her by staring I would have. Melissa sat down and Aiden leaned over her desk and glanced at me right before kissing her. I wanted to die, right then and there. I could feel my face and ears getting hotter by the second. They were kissing as if they were alone... as if me and Dexter weren't there. I just turned away and put my head down. The first bell rang and I heard someone take a seat, then I heard more and more kids coming in one by one. Soon the class was filled with laughter and talking. The second bell rang and the teacher walked in saying "Good Morning kids!" I didn't raise my head still. Then the teacher came to the back of the class and put his hand on my shoulder gently shaking me. I lifted my head to feel a cool breeze. "Lorraine? Would you like to go to a bathroom to fix yourself up?" he asked me. I looked at him confused, he then took his thumb and wiped it across my cheek then showing me my running make-up. I hadn't realized I was crying so I nodded and hurried out of the room with my bag on my side.

I went into the girl's' bathroom and got some tissue. I wet it and wiped off the running make-up. I sighed, this was a great way to come back to school. I cleared it all off my face, I looked horrible. My eyes were red and puffy, my skin didn't seem clear anymore and my lips were plain. I sat and re-applied my make-up after I'd stopped crying.

I headed back to class and taken my seat again. "Nice of you to join us." Mr. Jeeves welcomed me as I sat. He went on to continue his 'Welcome back lecture and end of the year lecture' I wasn't listening, I was daydreaming instead. I was staring out the window watching the clouds and guessing what they were. The bell rung and I jumped looking to the teacher. "Alright class, I'll see you all tomorrow! And remember, we start hard tomorrow." Mr. Jeeves gave everyone a smile and went to sit and his desk. If I had to choose a favorite teacher, it would be Mr. Jeeves. He was around 35 but didn't look older than 23. I had a major crush on him since freshman year, and he knows it which is why I think he's so nice to me. Mr. Jeeves reminds me of an elder scene person. He has black hair, and he has a hidden septum piercing that only the 'cool' students know about. He smokes about 2-4 times a day, and he has a great taste in music. In conclusion Mr. Jeeves is awesome. I'd just grabbed my bag, slung it around me and headed to the door when Mr. Jeeves called me. I sighed and went back to his desk, he turned to the leaving students and said "Last one out please close my door." It was Aiden... He'd closed the door, gave me a look and left. I sat on Mr. Jeeves desk and sighed, "Yes Mr. Jeeves?" I asked looking at him. He turned to me and slid off his glasses, "Lorraine... is there something you want to talk about?" Oh no. He was giving me the counseling talk. I looked away, "No." I replied. It wasn't a lie, I didn't want to talk about it, and I couldn't talk about it. He flipped his hair away from his face and grabbed my chin like someone's boyfriend would do. "Are you lying to me?" He looked me dead in the eyes. I blushed, "No... I'm not." He gently and quickly brushed his lips against mine. "Alright then." He said backing away and putting his glasses back on. This isn't the first time he did that to me, People may think it's a little rapist or pedophilic but I like it. My heart was racing and my eyes were open. He flashed me a smile and went to sit behind his desk. I was walking out the door when he called my name again. "Yes, Mr. Jeeves?" I said holding the door open. "I'm here for you." He said as I left. 
 I scurried to my locker to get the books for my next class. The halls were empty except for Melissa. She was standing by my locker smirking at me. I was glaring at her and I was pissed by the time I got to my locker. "Hey Lorraine!" She said in a snobby voice looking me up and down. "Don't say shit to me Melissa." I said trying to focus on my locker combination. She laughed a petty little laugh and I tried my hardest to just open my locker. "Are you mad because I'm fucking Aiden? Well don't worry, you can have him when I'm done. I'm just fucking him for fun. He means Nothing... to me." That's when I lost it. "LISTEN BITCH, LEAVE AIDEN THE FUCK ALONE! I'M TIRED OF YOU BEING A SLUT! WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU? YOU KNOW I LOVE HIM AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO?! I OUGHTA KICK YOUR ASS!" I screamed getting in her face. Students and teachers started coming out to see what was going on. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY! I'LL KEEP FUCKING HIM IF I WANT TO! SO JUST GO HOME, GET ABUSED BY YOUR DEADBEAT FATHER AND SLIT YOUR WRIST!" I punched her in the face knocking her to the floor, I got on top of her and kept hitting her. She pulled my hair and rolled me over now she was hitting me, I kicked her off me, got up and dragged her by her hair slamming her into the locker. She pulled my foot slamming me onto the floor. She started hitting me in my face again and I pushed her off of me then starting hitting her. All of a sudden I was getting pulled off of her by two people. "BITCH! WHORE! SLUT! FUCKING SCARY BITCH!" name calling was going between me and Melissa. I was trying my hardest to get back to her to finish beating her but by now two teachers had her too. I punched whoever was holding me and ran back towards her. We were pulling each other's hair and I pulled some of hers out. The two bodies pulled me off of her again. They took me to one room and her to another. The sound of students chanting 'Fight' had died and the halls were quiet again. I looked around to see who had pulled me off, it was Aiden and Dexter. They both had red spots on their cheeks where I had punched them. "OH EM GEE!" I said putting my hands over my mouth and walking to where they were sitting. I touched both of their cheeks crying. "I'm so sorry guys... but can we talk?" I said sitting in front of them. "Sure, but first... Lorraine have you heard from your dad?" Dexter asked and Aiden shot him a look. "No.. why?" I asked looking between them. There was a silence. "Guys?" I said starting to get upset. "You should check your mail Lorraine." Aiden said suddenly. "What does that m..." A knock on the door. It was a police officer, he was one of those tall TV cops. The kind you think is interested in doughnuts and his moustache more than anything. He signaled for me to come over, and I slowly rose to shuffle over to him. He opened the door and led me out into the hall. "I take it you're Lorraine?" He said giving me a nice cop smile. I nodded slightly. "Well, since this isn't you first fight according to records so looks like we're going to have to take you to Juvenile detention." I looked in disbelief, I couldn't believe it. "Me? In... Juvie?" He just nodded, "You and your little buddy are both going." He was referring to Melissa. I was still in disbelief, "Can I have another moment to say goodbye?" He just nodded and walked into the class where they were holding Melissa. I went back in the class to see Aiden and Dexter yelling. "What's wrong?" I asked a bit concerned. "Nothing," they both said causally. I gave them both hugs, trying not to cry. I kissed Aiden on the cheek, and kissed Dex on the lips. I walked out slowly and there was the officer waiting for me. We walked outside to the car and I got in slowly. "Don't worry darling, you'll be back on Monday." I was confused, "Wait... I have to stay there the entire weekend?" He just nodded and proceeded to drive. I didn't say anything for the rest of the ride.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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